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6th European Conference on
Severe Storms

Scientific Programme

Oral presentations

Monday 3 October 2011

Session 3 (part 1)

Convective storm and tornado dynamics

Chair: Charles A. Doswell III


invited keynote talk

Supercells and tornadoes: The past, present, and future roles of observations and models in advancing our understanding

Paul Markowski


Waterspout outbreaks over Europe and North America: environment and predictability (104)
abstract ext. abstract presentation

Michalis Sioutas, Wade Szilagyi and Alexander Keul


In situ and radar observations of low-level winds in tornadoes (122)

Karen Kosiba, Josh Wurman and Paul Robinson


Physics and dynamics around the overshooting top of severe thunderstorms (82)
abstract presentation

Pao Wang, Shih-Hao Su, Martin Setvák and Zdenek Charvat


Characteristics of misocyclones observed on Tosa Bay in Japan (55)
abstract ext. abstract presentation

Koji Sassa, Ippei Hamada, Yoshiki Hamaguchi and Taiichi Hayashi


Wall clouds, scud and turbulence (253)

Gregory Tripoli and Amanda Schulz


Observations of low level mesocyclonegenesis using a new trajectory mapping technique (81)
abstract ext. abstract presentation

Daniel Betten, Michael Biggerstaff and Gordon Carrie


Coffee break


Opening Ceremony

Session 7 (part 1)

Forecasting and nowcasting of severe weather

Chair: Harold Brooks


Progress and challenges with Warn-on-Forecast (39)
abstract ext. abstract presentation

David Stensrud, Nusrat Yussouf, Dustan Wheatley and Jidong Gao


Operational forecast of thunderstorms over Piemonte region: a simulation of past cases, using different weather forecaster's output (10)
abstract ext. abstract presentation

Paolo Bertolotto


Very short range severe weather warning based on satellite and model data in South Africa (59)
abstract presentation

Estelle De Coning


Usefulness of MPEF divergence product in diagnosing the environment of deep convection (97)
abstract ext. abstract presentation

Christo Georgiev


15 August 2010 – synoptic and aerological analysis (31)
abstract presentation

Tomáš Púčik, Michaela Valachová and Martin Setvák


Interannual variations in tornado frequency and their association with regional atmospheric conditions: Implications for seasonal predictions (207)
abstract presentation

Robert Trapp


Lunch break

Session 7 (part 2)

Forecasting and nowcasting of severe weather

Chair: José A. García-Moya


invited keynote talk

Severe convective weather forecasting in Europe

Charles A. Doswell III


Storm-scale ensemble forecasting for the NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed (171)
abstract ext. abstract presentation

Fanyou Kong, Ming Xue, Keith Brewster, Xuguang Wang, Kevin Thomas, Yunheng Wang, Steven Weiss, Adam Clark and Jack Kain


The mesocyclone detection algorithm of DWD (196)
abstract ext. abstract presentation

Thomas Hengstebeck, Dirk Heizenreder, Paul Joe and Peter Lang


T-re plots generated from MSG data in severe storms forecasting – testing in Central Europe (219)
abstract ext. abstract presentation

Michal Pokorny and Michal Zak


Nowcasting and very short range forecasting of supercell thunderstorms in a weakly- or moderately-sheared environment (220)
abstract ext. abstract presentation

Kálmán Csirmaz, Zoltán Polyánszky, Georg Pistotnik, André Simon, Michal Neštiak, Zsolt Nagykovácsi and Alois Sokol


Coffee break


Nowcast warnings within AutoWARN - A system for the automatic support of the weather warning service at Deutscher Wetterdienst (84)

Bernhard K. Reichert, Paul James and Sebastian Trepte


Comparative verification of different nowcasting systems to support optimization of severe weather warnings (100)
abstract ext. abstract presentation

Kathrin Wapler, Sebastian Trepte, Martin Goeber and Paul James

Session 6

Floods and flash floods

Chair: Agustí Jansà


Variants of meteorological conditions during large-scale rain floods (157)
abstract presentation

Marek Kaspar and Miloslav Müller


Heavy and extreme precipitation from supercell thunderstorms in the United States (205)
abstract presentation

Nathan Hitchens and Harold Brooks


Synoptic and mesoscalar environments associated with the heavy local rains of 16 august 2010 in the south of the Iberian peninsula (132)
abstract ext. abstract

José María Sánchez-Laulhé


The new system of flash flood forecasting in the Czech Republic (198)
abstract presentation

Lucie Březková, Petr Novák, Hana Kyznarova, Milan Šálek, Martin Jonov and Petr Frolík



Tuesday 4 October 2011

Session 1

Impact of storms on society; Impact mitigation

Chair: Antonio Parodi


invited keynote talk

The “Consorcio de Compensación de Seguros” and its wind storm insurance coverage

Alejandro Izuzquiza


IMGW project on SMS presence alert system and IMGW Monitor SH (11)
abstract presentation

Lukasz Legutko and Aleksander Plygawko


Investigating historical severe storms in Austria (1604, 1807) and England (1638) (38)
abstract ext. abstract presentation

Katrin Pfeifer and Niki Pfeifer


Quality of radio/television weather warnings in the eyes of the Austrian public (72)
abstract ext. abstract presentation

Alexander Keul, Alois Holzer and Thomas Wostal


Consequences of tornadic storms in urban areas: Case study of the Paris tornado (France) in September 10, 1896 (112)
abstract ext. abstract presentation

Emmanuel Wesolek and Pierre Mahieu


Use of severe weather outlooks for damage prevention and civil protection in Finland (185)
abstract ext. abstract

Ari-Juhani Punkka and Jenni Rauhala


Coffee break

Session 3 (part 2)

Convective storm and tornado dynamics

Chair: David Stensrud


invited keynote talk

Tornado dynamics

Howard Bluestein


The Verification of the Origins of Rotation in Tornadoes 2 (VORTEX2) (203)

Josh Wurman, Louis Wicker, Yvette Richardson, Erik Rasmussen, Paul Markowski, David Dowell, Don Burgess and Howie Bluestein


Observations from VORTEX2: The pretornadic phase of the Goshen County, Wyoming, supercell (5 June 2009) (125)
abstract ext. abstract

Paul Markowski, Yvette Richardson, Josh Wurman, Karen Kosiba, Paul Robinson and Jim Marquis


Observations from VORTEX2: The genesis of the Goshen County, Wyoming tornado (05 June 2009) (120)

Karen Kosiba, Joshua Wurman, Paul Markowski, Yvette Richardson and Paul Robinson


Observations from VORTEX2: The intensification of the Goshen County, Wyoming tornado (05 June 2009) (241)
abstract presentation

Josh Wurman, Karen Kosiba, Paul Markowski, Yvette Richardson and Paul Robinson


Mechanisms producing heavy precipitation event in the southern Adriatic area (158)
abstract ext. abstract

Branka Ivančan-Picek, Kristian Horvath and Nataša Streleć Mahovic


Vorticity induction: alignment of RFD vortex ring segments within the mesocyclone (235)
abstract presentation

Marcus Büker and Gregory Tripoli


Detailed diagnostic analysis of tornadogenesis within simulated supercell storms (237)
abstract presentation

Ming Xue, Alexander Schenkman and Brett Roberts


Lunch break

Session 5

Extratropical, Mediterranean and Tropical cyclones

Chair: Evelyne Richard


Mesoscale numerical simulations of Medicanes: Comparison against satellite-derived trajectories and isolation of key physical processes(74)
abstract presentation

Maria Tous, Romu Romero and Climent Ramis


Wind field distribution within hurricane force extratropical cyclones over North Pacific and Atlantic using QuikSCAT scatterometer measurements (4)
abstract presentation

Zorana Jelenak, Paul Chang and Joseph Sienkiewicz


A case study of heavy convective precipitation events over the Canary Islands associated with a polar-subtropical cyclone (23)
abstract presentation

Olinda Carretero, Felisa Aguado and Francisco Martin


Power law behaviour of atmospheric vortices (37)
abstract ext. abstract presentation

Lisa Schielicke and Peter Nevir


The numerical simulation of the genesis and intensification of the severe cyclonic storm in the north Indian ocean (1)

Medha Deshpande and Purva Salvekar


Verifying sensitivity climatologies of Mediterranean intense cyclones for optimal adaptive observations (186)
abstract presentation

Lorena Garcies and Víctor Homar


Coffee break


Poster Session A

posters of sessions
1 · 3 · 5 · 6 · 7



Wednesday 5 October 2011

Session 8 (part 1)

Remote sensing of storms

Chair: Jenni Rauhala


invited keynote talk

Remote sensing of convective storms: A-Train observations of storm tops presentation

Martin Setvák, Alois Sokol, Daniel Lindsey, Kristopher Bedka, Pao Wang, Jindřich Šťástka and Zdeněk Charvát


Correlating overshooting tops and severe weather (16)
abstract ext. abstract presentation

Petra Mikus and Natasa Strelec Mahovic


Automatic recognition of cold-ring pattern on IR satellite images (110)

Mateja Irsic Žibert, Benedikt Strajnar and Janez Žibert


Detection of Rapidly Developing Cumulus Areas from MTSAT-1R Short-Time-Interval Images (148)
abstract ext. abstract presentation

Akira Sobajima, Izumi Okabe, Takahito Imai and Yasushi Izumikawa


The use of NOAA/ATOVS satellite data for convective storms nowcasting and early warnings (156)
abstract presentation

Bozena Lapeta


8-year statistical analysis of 3D radar storm tracks (167)
abstract ext. abstract presentation

Edouard Goudenhoofdt and Laurent Delobbe


Objective satellite-based overshooting top and enhanced-V/cold ring signature detection: Validation and their relationships with severe weather (200)
abstract ext. abstract presentation

Kristopher Bedka, Jason Brunner, Richard Dworak and Wayne Feltz


Coffee break

Session 8 (part 2)

Remote sensing of storms

Chair: Martin Setvák


Observations of a supercell storm structure, its visual appearance and relationship with severe weather (147)
abstract ext. abstract

Jenni Rauhala


Remote sensing observations of a Mediterranean thundersnow and low-altitude heavy snowfall event (193)
abstract presentation

Joan Bech, Montserrat Aran, Clara Brucet, Nicolau Pineda, Tomeu Rigo and Eliseu Vilaclara


Lightning nowcasting towards lightning warnings using geostationary satellite data (226)
abstract presentation

John Mecikalski and Lori Schultz


Results of the 2010-2011 lightning measurement campaigns in Spain (249)
abstract presentation

Oscar van der Velde, Joan Montanyà, David Romero, Robert Rico, Ferran Fabró, Victor March, Glòria Solà and Nicolau Pineda


The benefits of GLD360 lightning location data in operational weather forecasting (113)
abstract ext. abstract presentation

Heikki Pohjola, Antti Mäkelä, Nick Demetriades, Nikki Hembury and Ron Holle


A close look at a severe mesoscale convective system surrounding the Air France 447 crash (118)
abstract ext. abstract presentation

Humberto Barbosa, Michel Mesquita and Ivon da Silva Júnior


Lunch break

Session 4 (part 1)

Numerical modeling of storms; Storm-scale data assimilation

Chair: Maurizio Fantini


invited keynote talk

Probabilistic forecast of severe weather events: The long way to the mesoscale presentation

José A. García-Moya


On the development of large surface vorticity in high-resolution supercell simulations (29)
abstract ext. abstract presentation

Johannes Dahl, Matthew Parker and Louis Wicker


Multi-model simulation of the F4 Hautmont tornado (45)
abstract presentation

Valerian Jewtoukoff


Initial results from convective-scale analysis and prediction of the 14 June 2011 Norman Oklahoma macroburst using conventional and rapid-scan weather Doppler radar data (263)

Louis Wicker, Edward Mansell, Daniel Dawson and David Dowell


Numerical simulation of low-level misocyclones associated with winter convective cells over the Japan Sea area (218)
abstract presentation

Ken-Ichi Shimose, Shugo Hayashi, Wataru Mashiko, Kenichi Kusunoki, Kotaro Bessho, Shunsuke Hoshino, Hanako Inoue, Masahisa Nakazato, Hiroshi Yamauchi, Keiji Araki, Hiroyuki Morishima and Keiji Adachi


Coffee break

Session 4 (part 2)

Numerical modeling of storms; Storm-scale data assimilation

Chair: Howard Bluestein


Assimilation of water vapour airborne Lidar observations: Impact study on the COPS precipitation forecasts (232)
abstract presentation

Evelyne Richard, Soline Bielli, Matthias Grzeschick, Cyrille Flamant and Christoph Kiemle


Comparisons of kinematical retrievals within a simulated supercell: Dual-Doppler analysis vs. EnKF data assimilation (93)
abstract ext. abstract presentation

Corey Potvin, Louis Wicker and Alan Shapiro


Assessing the impact of the assimilation of satellite-retrieved precipitation and humidity products into the hydrostatic BOLAM: Two Italian case studies (202)
abstract ext. abstract presentation

Stefano Mariani, Oxana Drofa, Silvio Davolio, Antonio Speranza and Andrea Buzzi


Explicit simulations of electrified mixed-phase clouds in MesoNH: from semi-idealized to first real-case studies (233)
abstract presentation

Jean-Pierre Pinty, Christelle Barthe and Michel Chong


Convective storms in a storm-permitting NWP ensemble (191)
abstract presentation

Nigel Roberts, Giovanni Leoncini, Changgui Wang, Emilie Carter and Humphrey Lean


The effects of low-level shear on the intensity and longevity of low-level mesocyclones in simulated supercell thunderstorms (126)
abstract presentation

George Bryan and Leigh Orf


Word of the Editor-in-Chief of Atmospheric Research

José-Luis Sánchez



Thursday 6 October 2011

Session 10

Storm climate, Risk assessments and Climate change

Chair: Paul Markowski


invited keynote talk

Severe thunderstorms and climate change

Harold Brooks


Regional trends in severe convective weather: a dynamical downscaling approach (69)
abstract presentation

Eric Robinson, Robert Trapp, Michael Baldwin, Alex Gluhovsky and Noah Diffenbaugh


A climatology of supercells for south-eastern Romania (95)
abstract presentation

Sorin Burcea, Bogdan Antonescu, Daniel Carbunaru, Monica Sasu and Aurora Bell


Monitoring climatic extremes with the European Climate Assessment & Dataset (ECA&D) (214)
abstract presentation

Gerard Van Der Schrier, Albert Klein Tank and Else van den Besselaar


Derechoes in Europe (30)
abstract ext. abstract presentation

Christoph Gatzen


Severe bow echoes in Germany (27)
abstract ext. abstract presentation

Christoph Gatzen


An assessment of Australian severe thunderstorm environments 1989-2010 (127)

John Allen and David Karoly


Coffee break


A four years (2007-2010) classification of convective storms in the Mediterranean basin (197)
abstract ext. abstract presentation

Samantha Melani, Francesco Pasi, Bernardo Gozzini and Alberto Ortolani


The representation of convective wind gusts in coarse numerical models (258)
abstract ext. abstract presentation

Pieter Groenemeijer, Heikki Tuomenvirta, Pauli Jokinen and Andrea Vajda

Session 11 (part 1)

Collection of storm data; Damage assessment

Chair: Sergio Alonso


Contribution to an European adaptation of the Enhanced Fujita Scale: Analysis of damage caused by tornadoes in France (111)
abstract ext. abstract presentation

Emmanuel Wesolek and Pierre Mahieu


Assessment of the hail hazard from a combination of different meteorological datasets and insurance data (138)

Marc Puskeiler and Michael Kunz


Using historical information sources to reconstruct historical severe storm cases in Central Europe (208)
abstract ext. abstract presentation

Thilo Kühne and Heiko Wichmann


Damage survey in the Netherlands after the squall line passage of July 14th 2010 (108)

Jacob Kuiper


Lunch break

Session 11 (part 2)

Collection of storm data; Damage assessment

Chair: Marianne König


invited keynote talk

Trends in weather related loss events – increasing evidence of a contribution of global warming presentation

Peter Höppe (Munich Re)


Enhancing tornado climatologies with Doppler radar (21)
abstract presentation

Mallie Toth, Jeff Trapp, Josh Wurman and Karen Kosiba


Automatic hazard level approximation of convective storms using real time emergency data (134)
abstract ext. abstract presentation

Pekka J. Rossi, Vesa Hasu, Antti Mäkelä, Jarmo Koistinen and Heikki Pohjola


Meteorological analysis of the extraordinary hailstreak on 26 May 2009 (165)
abstract presentation

Michael Kunz, Jan Handwerker, Susanna Mohr, Marc Puskeiler, Bernhard Mühr, Manuel Schmidberger and Rainer Langner


Towards an improved wind speed scale vs. damage description adapted for Central Europe (260)

Bernold Feuerstein,presentation Pieter Groenemeijer, Erik Dirksen, Martin Hubrig, Alois M. Holzer, Thilo Kühne and Nikolai Dotzek


Coffee break


Poster Session B

posters of sessions

2 · 4 · 8 · 9 · 10 · 11



Friday 7 October 2011

Session 2

Convective initiation

Chair: Rosella Ferretti


invited keynote talk

Predictability and predictive ability of severe rainfall processes

A. Parodi


Detection of convective initiation by objective analysis methods and its use for precipitation nowcasting (236)
abstract ext. abstract presentation

Georg Pistotnik, Stefan Schneider and Christoph Wittmann


Convection Initiation – Nowcasting by data fusion and its verification (142)
abstract presentation

Dennis Stich, Caroline Forster, Tobias Zinner and Arnold Tafferner


Severe convection checklist for warning operations at the MeteoSwiss forecasting offices (210)
abstract ext. abstract presentation

Lionel Peyraud, Lionel Fontannaz and Christophe Salamin


Conceptual model for tornadic supercell initiation in SE Romania (211)

Aurora Bell and Daniel Carbunaru


Slantwise circulations and convection in pre-frontal environment over central Italy: a numerical study (64)
abstract presentation

Maurizio Fantini, Piero Malguzzi and Andrea Buzzi


Investigating Hector convective development by microphysical analysis using TRMM satellite data and high resolution model simulations (225)
abstract presentation

Sabrina Gentile, Rossella Ferretti and Frank Silvio Marzano


Why does the atmosphere produce deep columnar convective vortices? (78)
abstract ext. abstract presentation

Charles A. Doswell III


Coffee break

Session 9

Storm electrification; Lightning; Microphysics; Hail

Chair: Jean Dessens


invited keynote talk

Performance Evaluations of the European Lightning Location System EUCLID abstract presentation

Wolfgang Schulz (ALDIS/EUCLID)


GIS analysis of Austrian-Bavarian CG lightning data (99)
abstract ext. abstract presentation

Thomas Prinz, Wolfgang Spitzer, Christian Neuwirth, Wolfgang Schulz, Gerhard Diendorfer and Alexander Keul


Cloud-to-ground lightning activity in Portugal: overall characterization, spatial and temporal patterns of associated thunderstorms over the 2003-2009 period (117)
abstract ext. abstract presentation

Marcelo Fragoso, Sandra Correia, Solange Leite, João Santos and João Sousa


Severe hail size discrimination using dual-polarized weather radar data. A dual- wavelength comparison between C and S band (168)
abstract ext. abstract presentation

Rudolf Kaltenböck and Alexander Ryzhkov


Trend analysis of meteorological parameter relevant to hail from soundings and reanalysis data (140)
abstract presentation

Susanna Mohr and Michael Kunz


Closing session


Lunch break


ESSL General Assembly

Poster presentations

Poster session A

Tuesday 17:00–18:30

Posters of Session 1

Impact of storms on society;
Impact mitigation

Modeling severe hail risk in the contiguous France from re/insurance perspectives (3)
abstract extended abstract

Jianming Yin, Michael Welch, Yoshiaki Ogane and Mizuki Shinohara

Austrian media weather communication - strengths and weaknesses (73)
abstract ext. abstract

Thomas Wostal, Gunda Schuller, Johannes Eberl, Johannes Mayer and Louisa Hacking

Severe Rainstorms in Brazil, cultural differences expressed in a Social Media Service may signal ways to more effectively apportion prevention and mitigation funding (22)
abstract ext. abstract

Ana Lucia Macedo, Alfredo Behrens and Angela Ruiz

Increasing severity of thunderstorms and cyclones: Environmental and socio-economic impacts in India (76)
abstract ext. abstract

Shadananan Nair

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis of downbursts affecting overhead electricity transmission lines (192)
abstract ext. abstract

Simon Tschannett, Hildegard Kaufmann, Matthias Ratheiser, Wolfgang Gepp, Herbert Lugschitz and Christoph Karner

Impact of storms on society, impact mitigation (106)

Bransby Bubele Bulo

Extreme precipitation events and their socio-spatial impacts in a Brazilian urban centre: Campinas-SP (240)
abstract ext. abstract poster

Marina Soria Castellano and Luci Hidalgo Nunes

Time series of severe storms in Austria, 1951 – 2010 (94)
abstract poster

Otto Svabik

Analysis of hail storm characteristics obtained by radar, short- and long-term impact (159)

Svetlana Stevanovic, Mira Stepanovic-Nikolic and Julijana Nadj

Posters of Session 3

Convective storm and tornado dynamics

Rapid-Scan DOW radar observations of tornadoes during VORTEX2 (121)

Josh Wurman, Karen Kosiba and Paul Robinson

The 14 July 2010 severe MCS event over parts of central Europe (42)
abstract ext. abstract poster

Helge Tuschy and Marcus Beyer

On space-time distribution of tornado events in Bulgaria (1961-2010): analyses of two severe tornadic storms (189)
abstract ext. abstract poster

Petio Simeonov, Ilian Gospodinov and Lilia Bocheva

The vertical structures within a winter tornadic storm during landfall over the Japan Sea area (213)
abstract ext. abstract poster

Kenichi Kusunoki, Hanako Inoue, Kenichi Shimose, Masahisa Nakazato, Kotaro Bessho, Shunsuke Hoshino, Wataru Mashiko, Syugo Hayashi, Ken-Ichiro Arai, Masahide Nishihashi, Hiroyuki Morishima and Keiji Adachi

Mesoanticyclones and anticyclonic tornadoes in supercells (51)
abstract ext. abstract

Howard Bluestein, Jeffrey Snyder and Michael French

Planet boundary layer dynamics involved in northern Italy misocyclonic and mesocyclonic waterspouts as well as in northern and central Adriatic Sea (61)

Angelo Bertozzi and Pierluigi Randi

Impact of Alps-Apennines orography in distribution of severe weather and tornadic events through northern Italy (96)

Angelo Bertozzi, Pierluigi Randi, Niccolò Ubalducci, Andrea Griffa and Andrea Chini

Evolution of Mesoscale Convective System in Southern Serbia (227)
abstract poster

Maja Rabrenovic and Tatjana Majstorovic

Mesoscale Convective Vortices in Nothern East Serbia (230)

Maja Rabrenovic

Infrasound generation by strong convective storms (17)

Mariam Akhalkatsi and Grigol Gogoberidze

A case study of severe hailstorm over central part of Serbia on July 8th 2009 (56)

Ruzica Radovanovic-Bulic, Svetlana Biljic and Ivan Bulic

Fine-scale Dual-Doppler analysis of the boundary layer in Hurricane Frances (2004) (123)

Josh Wurman, Karen Kosiba and Paul Robinson

Radar and in situ observations in a winter bow echo and associated meso-vortices over the Japan Sea area (212)
abstract ext. abstract poster

Kenichi Kusunoki, Hanako Inoue, Masahisa Nakazato, Kotaro Bessho, Shunsuke Hoshino, Wataru Mashiko, Syugo Hayashi, Hiroyuki Morishima and Keiji Adachi

Posters of Session 5

Extratropical, Mediterranean and Tropical cyclones

A Study of Quasi-millennial Extratropical Cyclone Activity Using Tracking and Clustering Methods (2)

Lan Xia, Frauke Feser, Hans von Storch and Matthias Zahn

Climate model simulations of the large-scale conditions associated with the genesis of Medicanes (67)

Javier Martin, Romualdo Romero and Maria Tous

An adaptation of the objective cyclone detection algorithm to a medicane event (187)
abstract poster

M. Angeles Picornell, Joan Campins and Agustin Jansà

A Diagnostic Study of Explosive Cyclogenesis over Northern European Russia (86)

Andrey L. Vetrov and Nikolay A. Kalinin

Detection of cyclone attributes by Hofmöller diagrams (151)
abstract poster

Miloslav Müller and Marek Kaspar

Tropical cyclones in Bay of Bengal and Indian Ocean and solar influences on it (32)

Dhruba Banerjee and Ramaprosad Bondyopadhaya

Heat transfer in the system Ocean-Cyclone-Atmosphere and maximum potential intensity of tropical cyclone (44)

Irakli Shekriladze

Windstorm Xhyntia: overview and comparison with other explosive cyclogenesis cases affecting Basque Country area (164)
abstract ext. abstract

Joseba Egaña, Santiago Gaztelumendi, David Pierna, Ivan R Gelpi, Roberto Hernandez and Kepa Otxoa De Alda

Mechanism of the TC/submonthly Wave Pattern Propagation in the Western North Pacific: A Barotropic View (201)

Ken-Chung Ko and Huang-Hsiung Hsu

Posters of Session 6

Floods and flash floods

Rainfall regime of the westernmost area of the state of São Paulo, Brazil, changed by the lake of Porto Primavera HPP (170)

Mauricio Agostinho Antonio and Carlos Alberto Agostinho Antonio

Flash-flood in Pula in the North Adriatic in the night of 24 to 25 September 2010 (36)

Dunja Plačko-Vršnak, Dunja Mazzocco Drvar and Martina Tudor

Modelling flash floods in small forested mountain watersheds using geographically referenced data (80)
abstract ext. abstract

Mihai-Daniel Niţă and Ioan Clinciu

Implementation of the INCA system in the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (146)

Hana Kyznarova, Petr Novak and Lucie Brezkova

Numerical simulations of intense precipitation in Madeira Island using the MESO-NH Model (179)
abstract ext. abstract

Flavio Tiago Couto, Rui Salgado and Maria João Costa

Numerical modelling of orographic effects in heavy precipitation episodes (194)

Laura Trapero, Joan Bech and Jeroni Lorente

Heavy rainfall and flash flood in Dubrovnik on 22nd November 2010 (245)
abstract ext. abstract

Martina Tudor, Antonio Stanesic, Dunja Mazzocco Drvar, Dunja Placko Vrsnak and Stjepan Ivatek-Sahdan

Floods in eastern Romania during June and July, 2010 (6)
abstract ext. abstract


Meda Daniela Andrei and Simona Andrei

Verification of the forecasts of heavy convective rainfalls produced by COSMO model in a high temporal resolution (58)
abstract poster

Vojtech Bliznak and Petr Zacharov

Quantitative Precipitation Forecast for convective flash flood rainfalls – evaluation of two models and verification techniques (70)

Daniela Rezacova and Petr Zacharov

Comparison of May and August 2010 floods in Central Europe (231)
abstract poster

Marek Kaspar, Miloslav Müller and Jozef Pecho

Rainfall associated with Mesoscale Convective Systems which affected Rio Grande do Sul State in July, August and September of 2006 (15)
abstract ext. abstract

Luiz Carlos Bacelar, Cláudia Campos, Gustavo Rasera and Cristiano Eichholz

Study of some stationary convection cases in the Valencian Community (63)

Juan Simarro and José Angel Núñez Mora

Rain evaluation in flash flood cases on urban watersheds in Brazil using weather radar (169)

Mauricio Antonio

Posters of Session 7

Forecasting and nowcasting of severe weather

The use of stability indices for severe storms prediction in Poland (153)

Adam Jaczewski, Jan Parfiniewicz, Bogumil Kois and Barbara Brzoska

Usefulness and skill of station-derived predictors in forecasting storm occurrence and intensity (181)

Arturo Pucillo

The analysis of ESTOFEX forecasts for 2010 convective season in Romania (248)

Gabriela Bancila, Daniel Carbunaru and Viorica Dima

Statistical verification of COSMO-I7 post-processing procedures and soundings for the forecast of thunderstorms over Piemonte region (9)

Paolo Bertolotto

Tornado of 27 July 2011 in Lithuania – a case study (34)
abstract ext. abstract

Inga Stankūnaitė

Implementation and first evaluation of the nowcasting system INCA in Belgium (INCA-BE) (87)
abstract ext. abstract poster

Maarten Reyniers

Using the Spatial Coverage of Favorable Severe Weather Parameters in Forecasts of Severe Convection (109)
abstract ext. abstract

Chad M. Shafer, Charles A. Doswell, Michael B. Richman, Lance M. Leslie and Andrew E. Mercer

Analysis and forecasting waterspouts on Lake Constance (136)
abstract ext. abstract

Marco Stoll, Andreas Hostettler and Gabriela Kaufmann

Forecasting tornado – one case lesson (152)

Adam Jaczewski, Piotr Baranski and Jan Parfiniewicz

ProFEWS: Towards the assessment of the impact of rainfall uncertainty in the framework of Flood Early Warning Systems (195)

Joan Bech and Marc Berenguer

Sensitivity study of BRAMS forecast in an organized mesoscale convective event (206)
abstract ext. abstract poster

Matilde Nicolini, Yanina García Skabar, Luciano Vidal and Paola Verónica Salio

The ARPA-EMILIA-ROMAGNA procedures for forecasting and monitoring severe events: two years of experiments (257)
abstract poster

Anna Fornasiero, Miria Celano, Pier Paolo Alberoni, Antonella Morgillo, Paolo Mezzasalma, Rosanna Foraci and Sandro Nanni

Testing of waterspout forcasting indices over the Adriatic Sea using Aladin model (7)
abstract ext. abstract poster

Tanja Renko, Tomislav Kozaric and Martina Tudor

Convective instability indexes as thunderstorm predictors for Catalonia (145)
abstract poster

Montserrat Aran and Nicolau Pineda

Synoptic conditions of heavy snowstorms in Europe (149)
abstract ext. abstract

Ewa Bednorz

Windstorm Xhyntia: local effects and operational aspects in Basque Country case (161)
abstract ext. abstract

Santiago Gaztelumendi, Joseba Egaña, Ivan R. Gelpi, Kepa Otxoa De Alda, Roberto Hernandez and David Pierna

A case study of convective severe storms episode in Basque Country (162)
abstract ext. abstract

Santiago Gaztelumendi, Joseba Egaña, David Pierna, Ivan R Gelpi, Roberto Hernandez, Javier Lopez and Kepa Otxoa De Alda

Realtime storm-scale forecasting in Southern China region (177)

Fanyou Kong, Tuanjie Hou, Xunlai Chen, Ming Xue and Fei Cai

Evaluating atmospheric instability from high spectral resolution IR satellite observations (183)
abstract poster

Paolo Antonelli and Agostino Manzato

A nowcasting approach to detecting South African hazardous convective storms (229)
abstract ext. abstract

Caroline H. Hardy and André L. Nel

The analysis of severe weather phenomena in the summer of 2010 in Romania (247)

Gabriela Bancila, Florinela Georgescu and Daniel Carbunaru

Thunderstorm nowcasting at the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management (98)
abstract poster

Katarzyna Bednarek and Rafal Kielar

Kalman Filter based nowcasting for severe weather elements (107)

Zuohao Cao

A study of instability indexes in summer severe storms case in the Basque Country area (166)
abstract ext. abstract

Joseba Egaña, Santiago Gaztelumendi, David Pierna, Kepa Otxoa De Alda, Roberto Hernandez and Ivan R Gelpi

Statistical advection model SAM for precipitation nowcasting (90)

Zbyněk Sokol and Petr Pešice

Complex quality control of Barcelona radiosounding database (256)
abstract ext. abstract

Esteban Abellán, Montserrat Aran, Bernat Codina and Jordi Cunillera

Poster session B

Thursday 17:00–18:30

Posters of Session 2

Convective Initiation

The operational usability of symmetric instabilities during convective initiation (180)
abstract poster

Thomas Krennert and Matthias Langer

Summertime northern Italy outbreaks, description of "Adriatic slot" circulation dynamics and their role in convective trigger and initiation of miso and mesocyclons. 3D rendering of "Adriatic corkscrew" circulation. (62)
abstract ext. abstract

Angelo Bertozzi and Pierluigi Randi

Low CAPE, high shear tornadoes (12)
abstract ext. abstract

Fulvio Stel and Dario B. Giaiotti

Possibility of the using of “Cold Ring” indicator on satellite images in operational nowcasting/forecasting of severe weather (19)

Inna Sobchenyuk

Two examples of last winter convective structures in Spain (75)
abstract poster

Benito Elvira, Felisa Aguado and Francisco Martín

Observation study during the pre-monsoon season over northeast Bangladesh (216)

Masashi Kiguchi, Fumie Murata, Toru Terao, Azusa Fukushima, Taiichi Hayashi and Taikan Oki

Posters of Session 4

Numerical modeling of storms;
Storm-scale data assimilation

Simulation of the storm from 15 August 2010 with a high resolution COSMO NWP model (85)

Zbyněk Sokol and Petr Zacharov

A real-time radar wind analysis system for nowcast application (41)
abstract ext. abstract

Qin Xu, Kang Nai and Li Wei

Impact of Radar Data Assimilation on Numerical Simulation of a Severe Storm in Croatia (133)

Antonio Stanesic and Keith Brewster

Tornadic storms of 2008 over Bangladesh: Observed by radar and simulated by using WRF-ARW Model (5)
abstract ext. abstract

Mohan Kumar Das, Sujit Kumar Debsarma, Someshwar Das and Md. Abdul Mannan Chowdhury

Comparison of different COSMO Model outputs during a test case over north-western Italy (13)

Massimo Milelli, Daniele Gandini, Elena Oberto, Christian Ronchi and Paolo Bertolotto

An extratropical precipitation cell: numerical simulation of heat and energy conversions (144)

Julia Palamarchuk, Sergiy V. Ivanov, Galina P. Ivus and Alexander S. Matygin

A GPM simulator to improve the NWP of severe events (155)

Eduardo García-Ortega, Francisco Javier Tapiador, Laura López and José Luis Sánchez

Severe convective precipitation at Pula on 25th September 2010 - NWP model simulations (141)
abstract ext. abstract

Martina Tudor, Antonio Stanesic, Stjepan Ivatek-Sahdan and Kristian Horvath

Evaluation of the convection-allowing model HARMONIE for heavy precipitation events over the Western Mediterranean (150)

Ana Genoves and Javier Calvo

Sensitivity tests to different IC and DA strategy to investigate the impact of radar data assimilation on WRF rainfall (190)

Ida Maiello, Rossella Ferretti, Sabrina Gentile, Mario Montopoli, Errico Picciotti and Frank Silvio Marzano

Sensitivity to initial condition and model resolution of precipitation forecasts modelled by the hydrostatic BOLAM model over the Mediterranean Basin (228)
abstract ext. abstract poster

Marco Casaioli, Piero Malguzzi and Stefano Mariani

Posters of Session 8

Remote sensing of storms

Comparison and validation of satellite-based overshooting top detection methods (53)
abstract ext. abstract poster

Petra Mikus, Kristopher Bedka and Natasa Strelec Mahovic

Detection of the Mediterranean storms using MSG SERVIRI images (8)
abstract ext. abstract poster

Aydın Erturk and Haralambos Feidas

Severe storms over eastern region of India, Bangladesh plain and northern Bay of Bengal as observed from the TRMM sensors (124)
abstract ext. abstract

Sanjay Sharma, Devajyoti Dutta and Rakesh Gairola

Remote sensing information on convective precipitation in Poland – radar and ATS datasets as a validation sources for H-SAF satellite precipitation products – convective case study analysis (139)
abstract poster

Rafal Iwanski

Evaluating the Vortex Detection And Characterization (VDAC) technique using real multiple-Doppler observations of supercell thunderstorms (25)
abstract ext. abstract poster

Corey Potvin, Alan Shapiro, Michael Biggerstaff and Joshua Wurman

Improving dual-Doppler retrieval of the vertical wind using a vertical vorticity constraint (26)
abstract ext. abstract poster

Corey Potvin, Alan Shapiro and Ming Xue

Identification of convective modes and tracking of storm systems based on radar data (28)
abstract ext. abstract poster

Oliver Schlenczek and Mark G. Lawrence

Forecasting thunderstorms on the Po Valley using sounding derived and satellite (Eumetsat IASI) derived indicies with Neural Networks (182)

Agostino Manzato and Paolo Antonelli

Observation of tropical pre-monsoon thunderstorm by UHF Wind Profiler (33)
abstract ext. abstractposter

Ruchith Ramakrishnan Devaki, Sachin Deshpande, Pulithendi Ernest Raj and Rashmi Joshi

Simultaneous BTD (WV6.2-IR10.8) anomaly and above-anvil ice-plume observed above the storm of 06 July 2010, North Italy (57)
abstract ext. abstractposter

Mária Putsay, Martin Setvák, André Simon and Jochen Kerkmann

Lower stratospheric water vapor above covnective storms – MSG rapid scan data analysis (66)
abstract poster

Jindřich Šťástka, Michaela Radová and Martin Setvák

Radar derived storm properties over central Greece (129)

Dimitrios Bampzelis and Theodore Karacostas

First operational results of RELASE (Rainfall Estimation from Lightning And SEviri data) software at CNMCA (131)
abstract ext. abstract poster

Davide Melfi, Francesco Zauli, Daniele Biron and Massimiliano Sist

Dual-polarized weather radar analyses of local severe storms in Austria (172)

Rudolf Kaltenböck

Relationship between the radar images and the outflow of Mundaú River in northeastern Brazil (238)

Ricardo S. Tenorio, Adriano A. S. Barros and Marco A. M. Lemes

The experience of operational monitoring of severe weather based on MSG data in Ukraine (243)

Oleksii Kryvobok

Present status and preliminary results of the Belgian lightning detection network (92)
abstract ext. abstract poster

Dieter Poelman

Tropical rainfall characteristics at the eastern coast of northeastern Brazil (184)

Ricardo S. Tenorio, Marcia C. Da S. Moraes and Byung Hyuk Kwon

Remote sensing obervations of severe cyclonic storm stimulated chlorophyll-a augmentation in the Bay of Bengal (18)

Kailasam Muni Krishna

Analysis on the Meso-scale Structure of the Snowstorm on 25-29 January 2008 with Dual-Doppler (199)

Haiguang Zhou

Severe Convection Nowcasting in the Alpine Region: the approach COALITION
ext. abstract poster

Luca Nisi, Igor Giunta, and Paolo Ambrosetti

Posters of Session 9

Storm electrification; Lightning; Microphysics; Hail

Characteristics of cloud-to-ground lightning activity over Portugal in relation to air pollutants (114)
abstract ext. abstract

Solange Leite, João Santos, Margarida Marques, Margarida Reis, João Sousa, Sandra Correia and Marcelo Fragoso

Lightning knowledge and safety behavior in Austria and Bavaria, Germany (71)
abstract ext. abstract

Alexander Keul, Christine Duernfeld, Julia Holzleitner, Andreas Schoerghofer and Lena Weichenmeier

A seven-year study about cloud-to-ground lightning characteristics in Portugal (115)
abstract ext. abstract

João Santos, Solange Leite, Margarida Reis, João Sousa, Sandra Correia and Marcelo Fragoso

Mesoscale features of severe hailstorm days classified in clusters (154)
abstract ext. abstract

Eduardo García-Ortega, Andrés Merino, Laura López and José Luis Sánchez

Estimation of kinetic energy of hail precipitation using C- and S-band radar data (173)
abstract ext. abstract

J.L. Sánchez, Laura López, Beatriz Gil and Eduardo García-Ortega

Evaluation of lightning data from different detection networks over the Czech Republic (50)
abstract poster

Petr Novák

Lightning behaviour during the lifetime of severe thunderstorms (65)
abstract ext. abstract poster

Tsvetelina Dimitrova, Rumjana Mitzeva, Hans D. Betz, Hristo Zhelev and Sebastian Diebel

The major hail days of 1988-2010 in Southwestern France (103)
abstract ext. abstract

Claude Berthet, Jean Dessens and José Luis Sánchez

Three-dimensional characteristics of winter lightning observed in the Shonai area railroad weather project (217)
abstract poster

Masahide Nishihashi, Kenichi Shimose, Kenichi Kusunoki, Syugo Hayashi, Kenichiro Arai, Hanako Inoue, Wataru Mashiko, Osamu Suzuki, Kotaro Bessho, Shnsuke Hoshino, Masahisa Nakazato, Hiroshi Yamauchi, Masako Kusume, Hiroyuki Morishima and Keiji Adachi

The biggest damage by hailstorm in Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan on Feb.25, 2009 (223)

Kenji Wakimizu and Koji Nishiyama

Hail occurrence in Greece (224)
abstract ext. abstract

Michalis Sioutas

EOF analysis of the hailpad data for the polygon in Croatia (35)
abstract ext. abstract

Damir Pocakal and Zeljko Vecenaj

The hailstorm in Valjevo city (west part of Serbia) on 19th June 2010 (91)

Vesna Ivkov

Analysis of a heavy rainfall episode in the Basque Country focusing on total lighting detection (163)
abstract ext. abstract

Javier Lopez, Santiago Gaztelumendi, Joseba Egaña, Kepa Otxoa De Alda, Roberto Hernandez and Ivan R. Gelpi

Lightning detection on Milešovka observatory (221)

Petr Pesice

Dynamical characterization of thunderstorm days in Portugal (116)
abstract ext. abstract poster

João Sousa, João Santos, Marcelo Fragoso and Solange Leite

A Tool for Severe Convective Storm Evaluation Using Satellite Infrared and Lightning Network Observations (119)
abstract ext. abstract

Humberto Barbosa, Ivon Da Silva Junior and Robert Holzworth

Posters of Session 10

Storm climate, Risk assessments and Climate change

Tornado and waterspout climatology in Brazil (209)
abstract ext. abstract poster

Luci Hidalgo Nunes, Laura De Bona and Daniel Henrique Candido

Climate change impacts on severe thunderstorms in Finland (143)
abstract poster

Andrea Vajda and Jenni Rauhala

A 300 years climatology of tornadoes, waterspouts and funnel clouds over Greece (215)
abstract ext. abstract

Ioannis Matsangouras, Panagiotis Nastos and Michalis Sioutas

Climatological aspects of convective severe weather events in Europe (259)

Pieter Groenemeijer

Possible impacts of climate change on snowfall and snow depth over northern Canada under downscaled future climate conditions (49)

Chad Shouquan Cheng and Baoling Wang

A provisional climatology of tornadic and non-tornadic linear convective systems in the UK (88)
abstract ext. abstract poster

Matthew Clark

Long-term variability and distribution of thunderstorms in non-mountainous regions of Bulgaria (1961 – 2010) (135)
abstract ext. abstract poster

Liliya Bocheva, Tania Marinova and Petio Simeonov

Seasonal analysis of hailstorm trends and their relationship to meteorological factors (174)
abstract ext. abstract

Andrés Merino, J.L. Sánchez, Eduardo García-Ortega, J.L. Marcos and Laura López

Variations of atmospheric moisture for South America – global teleconnections (222)

Humberto Barbosa and Ivon Da Silva Junior

Minimum temperature as an indicator of hail storm severity in a scenario of global climate change (175)
abstract ext. abstract

A. Merino, C. Llasat, J.L. Sánchez, J. Dessens, L. López and E. García-Ortega

Mesoscale convective systems related to the occurrence of severe weather events in Rio Grande do Sul-Brazil, in JFM and JAS from 2004 to 2008 (178)
abstract ext. abstract

Luiz Carlos Bacelar, Cláudia Rejane Jacondino De Campos, Gustavo Rasera and Cristiano Eichholz

Decadal variation of heavy rainfall frequency in Kyushu, Japan and associated synoptic weather patterns (83)
abstract ext. abstract poster

Koji Nishiyama and Kenji Wakimizu

Thunderstorm activity and its relationships with southern cyclones in Estonia, 1950-2004 (89)
abstract ext. abstract

Kaupo Mändla and Sven-Erik Enno

SVAT modelling approach in support to flood risk assessment in Bulgaria (101)
abstract ext. abstract

Julia Stoyanova and Christo Georgiev

Atmospheric circulation patterns producing torrential rainfall in the Catalan coastal area (Catalonia, Spain) (102)
abstract ext. abstract

Montserrat Aran, Juan Carlos Peña and Nuria Pérez-Zanón

Synoptic factors conditioning extraordinary instances of thunderstorms in Central Europe in the years 1951-2010 (105)

Zuzanna Bielec-Bakowska, Leszek Kolendowicz and Grazyna Knozova

Verification of model-derived proximity soundings for convective environments in Australia (128)

John Allen, David Karoly and Graham Mills

Overshooting tops derived from Meteosat/SEVIRI data – climatological approach (254)

Monika Pajek

Extended analysis of severe convection event with use of satellite products (255)

Monika Pajek

Posters of Session 11

Collection of storm data;
Damage assessments

Suggested data collection guidelines for post-hurricane evaluation of residential structures (79)

Tommy Tolson

Data collection in system of hail suppression and analysis of thunderstorms and damage provided by them (160)

Svetlana Stevanovic, Mira Stepanovic-Nikolic and Julijana Nadj

Severe hail climatology of Turkey (20)
abstract poster

Abdullah Kahraman, Seyda Tilev Tanriover and Mikdat Kadioglu

Frequency of supercells over the western part of Serbia in period from 2005 to 2009 (54)

Miodrag Stojanovic

The bow echo event of July 14th 2010 in the Netherlands (68)
abstract ext. abstract poster

Robertus Groenland, Jacob Kuiper and Sander Tijm

Study of two severe storm events that affected the major area of Thessaloniki, Greece (130)

Dimitrios Bampzelis, Nicolas Tzonichakis and Theodore Karacostas

Trusted Spotter network Austria (137)
abstract ext. abstract poster

Thomas Krennert, Alois Holzer, Michael Staudinger, Mathias Stampfl and Christian Ortner

Historical hail cases in Finland: 1833–1909 (204)
abstract ext. abstract

Jari Petteri Tuovinen and David M. Schultz

On the difficulties of separating downburst damages from tornadic damages of fast-moving storms: Case study of a high-impact event in Austria (234)

Georg Pistotnik and Rudolf Kaltenböck

Global comparison of regional severe tornado maxima (239)

Grayum Vickers

Analysis of the weather and oceanographic conditions that contribute to the garbage accumulation on the southeastern Adriatic coast in Croatia (244)
abstract ext. abstract

Martina Tudor and Ivica Janekovic

Hailstorm identification with crop damage and weather radar in a region in the south of Santa Fe and northern Buenos Aires, Argentina (251)

Romina Nahir Mezher, Santiago Banchero and Pablo Mercuri

The Pentecost Monday tornadic supercell in eastern Germany on 24 May 2010 (261)

Bernold Feuerstein and Thilo Kühne

New Event Types for the European Severe Weather Database (ESWD) (262)
abstract ext. abstract poster

Alois M. Holzer, Pieter Groenemeijer, Nikolai Dotzek, Bernold Feuerstein, Thomas Krennert, Thilo Kühne, Zhongjian Liang and Susanne Haeseler

List of Authors

Abellán, Esteban 256
Adachi, Keiji 212 213 217 218
Aguado, Felisa 23 75
Akhalkatsi, Mariam 17
Alberoni, Pier Paolo 257
Alda, Kepa Otxoa De 161 162 163 164 166
Allen, John 127 128
Ambrosetti, Paolo 300
Andrei, Meda Daniela 6
Andrei, Simona 6
Antonelli, Paolo 182 183
Antonescu, Bogdan 95
Antonio, Carlos Alberto Agostinho 170
Antonio, Mauricio 169 170
Arai, Ken-Ichiro 213 217
Araki, Keiji 218
Aran, Montserrat 102 145 193 256
Bacelar, Luiz Carlos 15 178
Baldwin, Michael 69
Bampzelis, Dimitrios 129 130
Banchero, Santiago 251
Bancila, Gabriela 247 248
Banerjee, Dhruba 32
Baranski, Piotr 152
Barbosa, Humberto 118 119 222
Barros, Adriano A. S. 238
Barthe, Christelle 233
Bech, Joan 193 194 195
Bedka, Kristopher 24 53 200
Bednarek, Katarzyna 98
Bednorz, Ewa 149
Behrens, Alfredo 22
Bell, Aurora 95 211
Berenguer, Marc 195
Berthet, Claude 103
Bertolotto, Paolo 9 10 13
Bertozzi, Angelo 61 62 96
Besselaar, Else van den 214
Bessho, Kotaro 212 213 217 218
Betten, Daniel 81
Betz, Hans D. 65
Beyer, Marcus 42
Bielec-Bakowska, Zuzanna 105
Bielli, Soline 232
Biggerstaff, Michael 25 81
Biljic, Svetlana 56
Biron, Daniele 131
Bliznak, Vojtech 58
Bluestein, Howard 51 52 203
Bocheva, Liliya 135 189
Bona, Laura De 209
Bondyopadhaya, Ramaprosad 32
Brewster, Keith 133 171
Brezkova, Lucie 146
Brooks, Harold 40 205
Brucet, Clara 193
Brunner, Jason 200
Bryan, George 126
Brzoska, Barbara 153
Bulic, Ivan 56
Bulo, Bransby Bubele 106
Burcea, Sorin 95 211
Burgess, Don 203
Buzzi, Andrea 64 202
Büker, Marcus 235
Březková, Lucie 198
Cai, Fei 177
Calvo, Javier 150
Campins, Joan 187
Campos, Cláudia Rejane Jacondino De 15 178
Candido, Daniel Henrique 209
Cao, Zuohao 107
Carbunaru, Daniel 95 211 247 248
Carbunaru, Felicia 211
Carretero, Olinda 23
Carrie, Gordon 81
Carter, Emilie 191
Casaioli, Marco 228
Castellano, Marina Soria 240
Celano, Miria 257
Chang, Paul 4
Charvát, Zdeněk 24 82
Chen, Xunlai 177
Cheng, Chad Shouquan 49
Chini, Andrea 96
Chong, Michel 233
Chowdhury, Md. Abdul Mannan 5
Clark, Adam 171
Clark, Matthew 88
Clinciu, Ioan 80
Codina, Bernat 256
Coning, Estelle De 59
Correia, Sandra 114 115 117
Costa, Maria João 179
Couto, Flavio Tiago 179
Csirmaz, Kálmán 220
Cunillera, Jordi 256
Dahl, Johannes 29
Das, Mohan Kumar 5
Das, Someshwar 5
Davolio, Silvio 202
Dawson, Daniel 263
Debsarma, Sujit Kumar 5
Delobbe, Laurent 167
Demetriades, Nick 113
Deshpande, Medha 1
Deshpande, Sachin 33
Dessens, Jean 103 175
Devaki, Ruchith Ramakrishnan 33
Diebel, Sebastian 65
Diendorfer, Gerhard 99
Diffenbaugh, Noah 69
Dima, Viorica 248
Dimitrova, Tsvetelina 65
Dirksen, Erik 260
Doswell, Charles A. 77 78 109
Dotzek, Nikolai 260 262
Dowell, David 203 263
Drofa, Oxana 202
Drvar, Dunja Mazzocco 36 245
Duernfeld, Christine 71
Dutta, Devajyoti 124
Dworak, Richard 200
Eberl, Johannes 73
Egaña, Joseba 161 162 163 164 166
Eichholz, Cristiano 15 178
Elvira, Benito 75
Enno, Sven-Erik 89
Erturk, Aydın 8
Fabró, Ferran 249
Fantini, Maurizio 64
Feidas, Haralambos 8
Feltz, Wayne 200
Ferretti, Rossella 190 225
Feser, Frauke 2
Feuerstein, Bernold 260 261 262
Flamant, Cyrille 232
Foraci, Rosanna 257
Fornasiero, Anna 257
Forster, Caroline 142
Fragoso, Marcelo 114 115 116 117
French, Michael 51
Frolík, Petr 198
Fukushima, Azusa 216
Gairola, Rakesh 124
Gandini, Daniele 13
Gao, Jidong 39
Garcia-Moya, Jose A. 60
Garcia-Ortega, Eduardo 173 174 175
Garcies, Lorena 186
García-Ortega, Eduardo 154 155
Gatzen, Christoph 27 30
Gaztelumendi, Santiago 161 162 163 164 166
Gelpi, Ivan R. 161 162 163 164 166
Genoves, Ana 150
Gentile, Sabrina 190 225
Georgescu, Florinela 247
Georgiev, Christo 97 101
Gepp, Wolfgang 192
Giaiotti, Dario B. 12
Gil, Beatriz 173
Giunta, Igor 300
Gluhovsky, Alex 69
Goeber, Martin 100
Gogoberidze, Grigol 17
Gospodinov, Ilian 189
Goudenhoofdt, Edouard 167
Gozzini, Bernardo 197
Griffa, Andrea 96
Groenemeijer, Pieter 258 259 260 262
Groenland, Robertus 68
Grzeschick, Matthias 232
Hacking, Louisa 73
Haeseler, Susanne 262
Hamada, Ippei 55
Hamaguchi, Yoshiki 55
Handwerker, Jan 165
Hardy, Caroline H. 229
Hasu, Vesa 134
Hayashi, Syugo 212 213 217 218
Hayashi, Taiichi 55 216
Heizenreder, Dirk 196
Hembury, Nikki 113
Hengstebeck, Thomas 196
Hernandez, Roberto 161 162 163 164 166
Hitchens, Nathan 205
Holle, Ron 113
Holzer, Alois M. 72 73 137 260 262
Holzleitner, Julia 71
Holzworth, Robert 119
Homar, Víctor 186
Horvath, Kristian 141 158
Hoshino, Shunsuke 212 213 217 218
Hou, Tuanjie 177
Hsu, Huang-Hsiung 201
Hubrig, Martin 260
Imai, Takahito 148
Inoue, Hanako 212 213 217 218
Irsic, Mateja 110
Ivancan-Picek, Branka 158
Ivanov, Sergiy V. 144
Ivatek-Sahdan, Stjepan 141 245
Ivkov, Vesna 91
Ivus, Galina P. 144
Iwanski, Rafal 139
Izumikawa, Yasushi 148
Izuzquiza, Alejandro 46
Jaczewski, Adam 152 153
James, Paul 84 100
Janekovic, Ivica 244
Jansa, Agustin 187
Jelenak, Zorana 4
Jewtoukoff, Valerian 45
Joe, Paul 196
Jokinen, Pauli 258
Jonov, Martin 198
Joshi, Rashmi 33
Junior, Ivon Da Silva 119 222
Júnior, Ivon Da Silva 118
Kadioglu, Mikdat 20
Kahraman, Abdullah 20
Kain, Jack 171
Kalinin, Nikolay A. 86
Kaltenböck, Rudolf 168 172 234
Karacostas, Theodore 129 130
Karner, Christoph 192
Karoly, David 127 128
Kaspar, Marek 151 157 231
Kaufmann, Gabriela 136
Kaufmann, Hildegard 192
Kerkmann, Jochen 57
Keul, Alexander 71 72 73 99 104
Kielar, Rafal 98
Kiemle, Christoph 232
Kiguchi, Masashi 216
Knozova, Grazyna 105
Ko, Ken-Chung 201
Kois, Bogumil 153
Koistinen, Jarmo 134
Kolendowicz, Leszek 105
Kong, Fanyou 171 177
Kosiba, Karen 21 120 121 122 123 125 241
Kozaric, Tomislav 7
Krennert, Thomas 137 180 262
Krishna, Kailasam Muni 18
Kryvobok, Oleksii 243
Kuiper, Jacob 68 108
Kunz, Michael 138 140 165
Kusume, Masako 217
Kusunoki, Kenichi 212 213 217 218
Kwon, Byung Hyuk 184
Kyznarova, Hana 146 198
Kühne, Thilo 208 260 261 262
Lang, Peter 196
Langer, Matthias 180
Langner, Rainer 165
Lapeta, Bozena 156
Lawrence, Mark G. 28
Lean, Humphrey 191
Legutko, Lukasz 11
Leite, Solange 114 115 116 117
Lemes, Marco A. M. 238
Leoncini, Giovanni 191
Leslie, Lance M. 109
Liang, Zhongjian 262
Lindsey, Daniel 24
Llasat, C. 175
Lopez, Javier 162 163
Lorente, Jeroni 194
Lugschitz, Herbert 192
López, Laura 154 155 173 174 175
Macedo, Ana Lucia 22
Mahieu, Pierre 111 112
Mahovic, Natasa Strelec 16 53 158
Maiello, Ida 190
Majstorovic, Tatjana 227
Malguzzi, Piero 64 228
Mansell, Edward 263
Manzato, Agostino 182 183
March, Victor 249
Marcos, J.L. 174
Mariani, Stefano 202 228
Marinova, Tania 135
Markowski, Paul 120 125 203 241
Marques, Margarida 114
Marquis, James 125
Martin, Javier 67
Martín, Francisco 23 75
Marzano, Frank Silvio 190 225
Mashiko, Wataru 212 213 217 218
Matsangouras, Ioannis 215
Matygin, Alexander S. 144
Mayer, Johannes 73
Mecikalski, Prof. John 226
Melani, Samantha 197
Melfi, Davide 131
Mercer, Andrew E. 109
Mercuri, Pablo 251
Merino, Andrés 154 174 175
Mesquita, Michel 118
Mezher, Romina Nahir 251 264
Mezzasalma, Paolo 257
Mikus, Petra 16 53
Milelli, Massimo 13
Mills, Graham 128
Mitzeva, Rumjana 65
Mohr, Susanna 140 165
Montanyà, Joan 249
Montopoli, Mario 190
Moraes, Marcia C. Da S. 184
Moret, Lionel 210
Morgillo, Antonella 257
Morishima, Hiroyuki 212 213 217 218
Muehr, Bernhard 165
Murata, Fumie 216
Mäkelä, Antti 113 134
Mändla, Kaupo 89
Müller, Miloslav 151 157 231
Nadj, Julijana 159 160
Nagykovácsi, Zsolt 220
Nai, Kang 41
Nair, Shadananan 76
Nakazato, Masahisa 212 213 217 218
Nanni, Sandro 257
Nastos, Panagiotis 215
Nel, André L. 229
Neuwirth, Christian 99
Nevir, Peter 37
Neštiak, Michal 220
Nicolini, Matilde 206
Nishihashi, Masahide 213 217
Nishiyama, Koji 83 223
Nisi, Luca 300
Niţă, Mihai - Daniel 80
Novák, Petr 50 146 198
Nunes, Luci Hidalgo 209 240
Núñez Mora, José Angel 63
Oberto, Elena 13
Ogane, Yoshiaki 3
Okabe, Izumi 148
Oki, Taikan 216
Orf, Leigh 126
Ortner, Christian 137
Ortolani, Alberto 197
Pajek, Monika 254 255
Palamarchuk, Julia 144
Parfiniewicz, Jan 152 153
Parker, Matthew 29
Parodi, Antonio 252
Pasi, Francesco 197
Pecho, Jozef 231
Pesice, Petr 221
Peyraud, Lionel 210
Peña, Juan Carlos 102
Pešice, Petr 90
Pfeifer, Katrin 38
Pfeifer, Niki 38
Picciotti, Errico 190
Picornell, M. Angeles 187
Pierna, David 161 162 164 166
Pineda, Nicolau 145 193 249
Pinty, Jean-Pierre 233
Pistotnik, Georg 220 234 236
Plačko-Vršnak, Dunja 36
Plygawko, Aleksander 11
Pocakal, Damir 35
Poelman, Dieter 92
Pohjola, Heikki 113 134
Pokorny, Michal 219
Polyánszky, Zoltán 220
Potvin, Corey 25 26 93
Prinz, Thomas 99
Pucillo, Arturo 181
Punkka, Ari-Juhani 185
Puskeiler, Marc 138 165
Putsay, Mária 57
Pérez-Zanón, Nuria 102
Púčik, Tomáš 31
Rabrenovic, Maja 227 230
Radovanovic-Bulic, Ruzica 56
Radová, Michaela 66
Raj, Pulidundi Ernest 33
Ramis, Climent 74
Randi, Pierluigi 61 62 96
Rasera, Gustavo 15 178
Rasmussen, Erik 203
Ratheiser, Matthias 192
Rauhala, Jenni 143 147 185
Reichert, Bernhard K. 84
Reis, Margarida 114 115
Renko, Tanja 7
Reyniers, Maarten 87
Rezacova, Daniela 70
Richard, Evelyne 232
Richardson, Yvette 120 125 203 241
Richman, Michael B. 109
Rico, Robert 249
Rigo, Tomeu 193
Roberts, Brett 237
Roberts, Nigel 191
Robinson, Eric 69
Robinson, Paul 120 121 122 123 125 241
Romero, David 249
Romero, Romualdo 67 74
Ronchi, Christian 13
Rossi, Pekka J. 134
Ruiz, Angela 22
Ryzhkov, Alexander 168
Salamin, Christophe 210
Šálek, Milan 198
Salgado, Rui 179
Salio, Paola Verónica 206 264
Salvekar, Purva 1
Sánchez, José Luis 103 154 155 173 174 175
Sánchez-Laulhé, José María 132
Santos, João 114 115 116 117
Sassa, Koji 55
Sasu, Monica 95
Schenkman, Alexander 237
Schielicke, Lisa 37
Schlenczek, Oliver 28
Schmidberger, Manuel 165
Schneider, Stefan 236
Schoerghofer, Andreas 71
Schrier, Gerard Van Der 214
Schuller, Gunda 73
Schultz, David M. 204
Schultz, Lori 226
Schulz, Amanda 253
Schulz, Wolfgang 99
Setvák, Martin 24 31 57 66 82
Shafer, Chad M. 109
Shapiro, Alan 25 26 93
Sharma, Sanjay 124
Shekriladze, Irakli 44
Shimose, Ken-Ichi 218
Shimose, Kenichi 213 217
Shinohara, Mizuki 3
Sienkiewicz, Joseph 4
Simarro, Juan 63
Simeonov, Petio 135 189
Simon, André 57 220
Sioutas, Michalis 104 215 224
Sist, Massimiliano 131
Skabar, Yanina García 206
Snyder, Jeffrey 51
Sobajima, Akira 148
Sobchenyuk, Inna 19
Sokol, Alois 24 220
Sokol, Zbyněk 85 90
Solà, Glòria 249
Sousa, João 114 115 116 117
Speranza, Antonio 202
Spitzer, Wolfgang 99
Stampfl, Mathias 137
Stanesic, Antonio 133 141 245
Stankunaite, Inga 34
Šťástka, Jindřich 24 66
Staudinger, Michael 137
Stel, Fulvio 12
Stensrud, David 39
Stepanovic-Nikolic, Mira 159 160
Stevanovic, Svetlana 159 160
Stich, Dennis 142
Stojanovic, Miodrag 54
Stoll, Marco 136
Storch, Hans Von 2
Stoyanova, Julia 101
Strajnar, Benedikt 110
Su, Shih-Hao 82
Suzuki, Osamu 217
Svabik, Otto 94
Szilagyi, Wade 104
Tafferner, Arnold 142
Tank, Albert Klein 214
Tanriover, Seyda Tilev 20
Tapiador, Francisco Javier 155
Tenorio, Ricardo S. 184 238
Terao, Toru 216
Thomas, Kevin 171
Tijm, Sander 68
Tolson, Tommy 79
Toth, Mallie 21
Tous, Maria 67 74
Trapero, Laura 194
Trapp, Jeff 21
Trapp, Robert 69 207
Trepte, Sebastian 84 100
Tripoli, Gregory 235 253
Tschannett, Simon 192
Tudor, Martina 7 36 141 244 245
Tuomenvirta, Heikki 258
Tuovinen, Jari Petteri 204
Tuschy, Helge 42
Tzonichakis, Nicolas 130
Ubalducci, Niccolò 96
Vajda, Andrea 143 258
Valachová, Michaela 31
Vecenaj, Zeljko 35
Velde, Oscar Van Der 249
Vetrov, Andrey L. 86
Vickers, Grayum 239
Vidal, Luciano 206 264
Vilaclara, Eliseu 193
Vrsnak, Dunja Placko 245
Wakimizu, Kenji 83 223
Wang, Baoling 49
Wang, Changgui 191
Wang, Pao 24 82
Wang, Xuguang 171
Wang, Yunheng 171
Wapler, Kathrin 100
Wei, Li 41
Weichenmeier, Lena 71
Weiss, Steven 171
Welch, Michael 3
Wesolek, Emmanuel 111 112
Wheatley, Dustan 39
Wichmann, Heiko 208
Wicker, Louis 29 93 203 263
Wittmann, Christoph 236
Wostal, Thomas 72 73
Wurman, Joshua 25 120 21 121 122 123 125 203 241
Xia, Lan 2
Xu, Qin 41
Xue, Ming 26 171 177 237
Yamauchi, Hiroshi 217 218
Yin, Jianming 3
Yussouf, Nusrat 39
Zacharov, Petr 58 70 85
Zahn, Matthias 2
Zak, Michal 219
Zauli, Francesco 131
Zhelev, Hristo 65
Zhou, Haiguang 199
Žibert, Janez 110
Zinner, Tobias 142