European Conference on Severe Storms 2002
26 - 30 August 2002, Prague, Czech Republic

Local organizer:  Czech Hydrometeorological Institute 
Logo of CHMI

This conference is a follow-up conference to the "Conference on European Tornadoes and Severe Storms" which was held during February 2000 in Toulouse, France (detailed information about the Toulouse conference can be found on the Internet at


Files available for download:
    Download Adobe Acrobat Reader for reading PDF files

Full ECSS 2002 Abstracts  in PDF format, total file size 426 kB  (version 2.2, 09 May 2002)
Atmospheric Research - special issue instructions (PDF format, size 60 kB) Atmospheric Research - special issue instructions (RTF format, size 7 kB)
Second Announcement and all its attachments (PDF format, ZIP, total file size 590 kB) Second Announcement and all its attachments (XLS and RTF formats, ZIP, total file size 185 kB)
Second Announcement (PDF format) Second Announcement (RTF format)
Attachment 1: Conference program - version 25 August 2002 (PDF format) Attachment 1: Conference program - version 25 August 2002 (XLS format)
Attachment 2: List of the ECSS2002 abstracts  (PDF format) Attachment 2: List of the ECSS2002 abstracts  (XLS format)
Attachment 3: Accommodation update  (PDF format) Attachment 3: Accommodation update (RTF format)
Attachment 4: Transportation and visa information  (PDF format) Attachment 4: Transportation and visa information (RTF format)
Attachment 5: Accompanying program  (PDF format) Attachment 5: Accompanying program (RTF format)
First Announcement (PDF format) First Announcement (RTF format)
Registration Form (PDF format) Registration Form (RTF format)
Accommodation Reservation Form (PDF format) Accommodation Reservation Form (RTF format)

Partners and sponsors of the conference  
(click logo for their home page):

Updated: 25 August 2002   (Last modified - archive version:  06 December 2006)
Contact person: