Roaming Sounding tool

It is worth spending a little attention to introduce new experimental forecasting products which participants are able to test during ESSL Testbed 2014. Today we will focus on NWP roaming sounding tool.

How does it work? You can see it in our video below:

click -> Roaming Sounding Tool <- click (composite of METEOSAT Rapid Scan E-View product, OPERA radar reflectivity, GLD360 CG lightning data, overshooting tops algorithm, ECMWF CAPE and ECMWF roaming sounding)

In contrast to previous grid-oriented soundings, this allows you to make a continuous and quick check how the vertical temperature, moisture and wind profile varies spatially.

This tool has been just used to issue an experimental nowcast for a tornado risk in NW Turkey. The lockwise curved hodograph looks especially dangerous. Environmental conditions with SRH ~ 350-400m2/s2, DLS 20-25m/s, LLS 9-12m/s, LCL 600-800m AGL and CAPE ~ 1500 J/kg points out good favorable conditions for mesocyclonic tornadoes. Taking into account that few supercells just occurred in this region, it is worth to monitor situation!

Roaming Sounding

A composite of the METEOSAT Rapid Scan RSS IR product with cloud top temperature, GLD360 CG lightning data, overshooting tops algorithm, ECMWF storm relative helicity and ECMWF roaming sounding)


