ESSL Testbed 2017 ready to start

The ESSL Testbed 2017 welcomes all participants of this years’ edition.

We are proud to present you again an interesting selection of leading-edge forecasting and warning tools. New this year are for example a number of products from the EUMETSAT Nowcasting SAF.

IMG_4507Pieter Groenemeijer and Tomas Pucik observing high precipitation storms at lunchtime in Wiener Neustadt on the day before the testbed starts.


Striking COSMO-E signal for 70 hour forecast

COSMO-E predicts a very high probability for extreme precip amounts in the Valais and Ticino area of southern Switzerland for Thursday late evening.

20160614 COSMO E 72_maxprecip12h

Maximum projection of all ensemble members showing maximum 12 h precip sums of locally more than 200 mm.

20160614 COSMO E 72_fracprecip12h

Point by point probability for rain sums larger than 70 mm: around 80 % in some places.

20160614 COSMO E 72_upsprecip12h

Fraction of members exceeding the threshold of 70 mm in a 40 by 40 km square. Nearly all members for this timestep predict excessive rainfall in south-central Switzerland.


An impressive COSMO DE-EPS forecast

Last Saturday unorganized convection was dominating in a low-shear environment, but a few cells became severe and some of them produced large hail according to the ESWD. One outstanding development occured in the border region of the southernmost Netherlands and neighbouring Germany.

Interestingly, COSMO DE-EPS produced nearly perfect forecasts of this development in three consecutive initialization times (see example for 06 UTC model initiation):

20160604 8_maxsdi

Supercell Detection Index (maximum SDI of all ensemble members) for 14 UTC
20160604 8_upssdi

Fraction of 20 ensemble members exceeding a threshold for the SDI: more than 90 % in the correct 40×40 km box, while the rest of the domain was correctly modelled free of such an intense development.
20160604 Radar

High resolution visible satellite and radar overlay of reflectivity and Mesocyclone Detections at 14:05 UTC.

An interesting example for the potential of high resolution ensembles that we found in the very first hours of this years’ Testbed.
