Precipitating Clouds (PC) and Precipitation Products based on Cloud Physical Properties (PC-Ph)
Operationally produced by NWC SAF.
An estimation of the probability of precipitation.
Detection of areas with certain probability of precipitation occurrence.
✓ Available over the geostationary satellite coverage.
✓ Generated every 15 minutes.
✓ PC available during both day and night-time.
X PC does not detect precipitation from low clouds.
X PC-Ph available only during day-time.

Accessibility and Dissemination:
- Local installation: Product is accessible after registration (signed contract) at NWCSAF and installation of NWCSAF GEO V2016 in the local environment. It can be run every 15 minutes or with the different settings every 5 minutes RSS. Output format is NetCdf.
- Images for the last 24h, updated every 15 minutes at NWCSAF web site:
Additional Information:
Web site
Training Module
Practical info and documentation
Overview modified after NWC SAF Practical Guide by V. Nietosvaara, EUMETSAT, 2018.