ESSL offers a range of activities. Here we explain how to find the one that best suits your needs. And we offer a Quiz for you!
ESSL Seminars
For those wishing to learn more about theoretical concepts behind the forecasting of severe convection, we regularly offer two seminars, Forecasting severe convection and Dynamics of severe convection. Each seminar consists of morning lectures and afternoon excercises, which may be either in quasi-operational setting or based on past case studies.
The seminar Forecasting severe convection is suited for those who are not too familiar with the ingredients-based methodology or want to refresh their knowledge. Aviation forecasters may wish to attend a special seminar on Aviation forecasting of convection, which is similar, but concentrates more on the aviation forecasting problems.
The seminar Dynamics of severe convection requires familiarity with ingredients-based forecasting and, e.g., convective archetypes (single cells / multicells / supercells). The material of the course is well suited to those who want to have a deeper theoretical understanding of convection. You should have understood the content of our seminar “Forecasting severe convection” first before you take this one.
ESSL Testbed
At the ESSL Testbed participants spend most of the time on real-time forecasting and nowcasting of (severe) convective storms across Europe. Forecasts are issued in a quasi-operational setting, they are presented at the online briefings and verified the next morning. These activities take at least 50% of the participant’s time spent at the Testbed. The next largest activity is testing and evaluation of new forecasting and nowcasting products, which takes approximately 30% of the time.
Theory is presented during the introductory lecture, at the expert lectures during the online briefings, or discussed during the forecasts. However, compared to the operational forecasting and product evaluation, it takes about 20% of the Testbed time.
The Testbed is best suited for the participants who already have a more or less solid background in ingredients-based methodology and want to improve the application of this methodology in practice, and who would like to learn about new supporting tools and products under development.
Still unsure which event to attend or what is the suggested knowledge level? We have put together a short pretest for you! CLICK HERE to go to the Quiz (estimated time to finish: 2 minutes).
If you score less than 50%, we suggest you first participate in the (Aviation) Forecasting severe convection seminar, before participating in the Testbed or the seminar on Dynamics of severe convection.
The final decision is of course up to you!