ESSL is planning to organize a short series of free of charge 1-day refresher webinars. Each of the webinars will concentrate on a different topic. These are the first three that the ESSL is organizing this spring:
27 May 2020
“Blue skies or tornado and nothing in between?”
Forecasting convective initiation.
This event is fully booked! We are not able to accept more registrations.
3 June 2020
“Know your hodographs”
Forecasting convective type and mode
This event is fully booked! We are not able to accept more registrations.
10 June 2020
“What are we warning for today?”
Forecasting individual hazards
This event is fully booked! We are not able to accept more registrations.
The webinars, or online seminars, will consist of a morning lecture and an afternoon exercise, which will include the preparation of an ESTOFEX-like outlook with a trainer. Each webinar will start at 0800 UTC until 1000 UTC and the practical demonstration will start at 1200 UTC and take until 1400 UTC.

How to register for this event? Just send us an e-mail at indicating your name, institution and which of the seminars you will attend. After registering, you will be sent instructions on how to connect to the webinars.
Do you have any questions concerning the specific topic that frequently bugs you when dealing with severe convective storms? Let us know in your e-mail as well, so that we can cover it in the seminar!