Kraków, Poland, 4 – 8 November 2019
10th European Conference on Severe Storms
Welcome to the official ECSS 2019 web page.
ECSS Twitter updates by @essl_ecss. Please use the hashtag #ecss2019 for your tweets.
Conference Programme
This PDF file contains a tabular ECSS programme overview and the full scientific programme as of 24 October 2019. All participants will receive a printed copy at the on-site registration desk.
Conference registration is closed now.
Registration for the ECSS was possible via the Copernicus Conference Registration Service here.
On site registration desk – opening hours at ECSS venue during the conference:
Sun 15:00 – 20:00
Mon 08:00 – 18:00
Tue – Fri starting at 08:30 until end of scientific programme
Presentation formats
- Screen format of oral presentations: 16:9 (preferred) or 4:3
- Powerpoint .ppt or .pptx or .pdf possible
- Poster size: A0 (84 by 119 cm) in portrait orientation
Side-events and Social programme
Monday | Wednesday |
18:00 to 20:00 Icebreaker Reception with welcome cocktail and hors d’oeuvres at the ECSS venue. | Afternoon: Bus transfer to Wieliczka Salt Mine and guided tour. Evening: Conference Dinner and giving of the Dotzek Award. |
A splinter-meeting of the EUMETSAT Convection Working Group is foreseen. Participation by invitation.
On the day before the ECSS, Sunday 3 November 2019, the ESSL General Assembly will be held at the conference venue at 19:30. ESSL Members will receive a formal invitation.
Venue, Lodging and Travel to Kraków
The 10th edition of the European Conference on Severe Storms will take place in the very centre of Kraków, directly on the main square. The address of the venue is: Ravens Conference Complex, Rynek Glowny 25, Krakow 31-008, Poland.
Depending on your preferences and budget you can in choose from a wide selection of hotels and other accomodation types, as Kraków is a main tourist destination in Poland. “Special Conference Offers” quite frequently turn out to be fake. Therefore we refrain from such a list and kindly ask you to book via your preferred booking portal or directly with the hotel of your choice, which may be even better.
Kraków can be reached by plane, bus, train and car. Detailed travel information including local transport you can find in the separate menu item to to right of this page.

The scope of the conference covers all aspects of severe convective storms. Researchers, operational forecasters, and risk and emergency managers are invited to submit contributions. In light of the global relevance of the conference themes, participants from all over the world are encouraged to attend. These are the conference topics (and tentative session titles):
1. Convective storm and tornado dynamics
2. Numerical modelling of storms, storm-scale data assimilation
3. Impact of storms on society, impact mitigation and early warning systems
4. Flash floods
5. Forecasting and nowcasting of storms
6. Severe weather forecaster training
7. Satellite studies of storms and their environment
8. Radar studies of storms and their environment
9. Storm microphysics, electrification, lightning and hail
10. Storm climatology, risk assessments and relation to climate change
11. Collection of storm data, historical events and damage assessments
Local Organizing Partner, Sponsor, Weather Forecast
The ECSS 2019 is organized by ESSL and the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management, IMGW. Local weather forecast for Kraków.

The main sponsor of the ECSS2019 is

In addition, the ECSS is kindly supported by EUMETSAT and
the European Meteorological Society.