9th European Conference on Severe Storms – ECSS 2017
Pula, Croatia
18-22 September 2017
Welcome to the official ECSS 2017 web page.
You can find the ECSS 2017 programme at the Copernicus Conference Programme page. In addition we offer here:
- Printable programme (pdf) as of 7 September 2017. All participants will receive a paper copy on site.
- Scientific programme overview (pdf)
- Sidemeetings and social programme overview (pdf)
Format for presenters
- Screen format of oral presentations: 16:9 (preferred) or 4:3
- .ppt or .pptx preferred, .pdf possible
- Poster size: strictly A0 portrait (84 by 119 cm)
Second Announcement

The scope of the conference covers all aspects of severe convective storms. Researchers, operational forecasters, and risk and emergency managers are invited to submit contributions. In light of the global relevance of the conference themes, participants from all over the world are encouraged to attend. These are the conference topics (and tentative session titles):
- Convective storm and tornado dynamics
- Numerical modelling of storms, storm-scale data assimilation
- Impact of storms on society, impact mitigation and early warning systems
- Convective storms within extratropical, Mediterranean and tropical cyclones
- Floods and flash floods
- Forecasting and nowcasting of severe weather
- Severe weather forecast training
- Satellite studies of storms and their environment
- Radar studies of storms
- Storm electrification, lightning, microphysics and hail
- Storm climatologies, risk assessments and climate change
- Collection of storm data, historical events and damage assessment
Venue and Lodging
The 9th edition of the European Conference on Severe Storms will take place in Hotel Histria, in the Croatian coast town of Pula, located on the peninsula of Istria. The address of the venue and hotel is: Verudella 17, Pula 52100, Croatia.
In case you want to make your life easy and most convenient, the hotel at the conference venue itself could be the one of your choice: Hotel Park Plaza Histria
Depending on your preferences and budget you can in addition choose from a wide selection of hotels and other accomodation types, as Pula is a main tourist destination in Croatia. “Special offers” quite frequently turn out to be fake. Therefore we refrain from such a list and kindly ask you to book via your preferred booking portal or directly with the hotel of your choice.
Travel to Pula
Pula can be reached by plane, bus, train, ferry and car. Detailed travel information including local transport your can find here.
Registration and abstract submission
Please register here. Via this link you can also register for additional social events.
On site registration desk – opening hours at ECSS venue:
Sun 15:00 – 21:00
Mon 08:00 – 18:00
Tue – Fri starting at 08:30
Abstract submission is closed since 10 April 2017.
Side-events and Social programme
You like to organize a side-meeting at the ECSS? Please contact us via email at: ecss@essl.org.
Sponsored social events | Monday | Wednesday |
18:00 to 20:00 Icebreaker Reception with welcome cocktail and hors d’oeuvres. | 14:30 Bus transfer from the hotel Histria (ECSS venue) to Fažana 15:30 Boat departs from Fažana for National Park Brijuni. 19:30 Boat returns to Fažana from National Park Brijuni. 20:00 Return to the hotel Histria (ECSS venue) via bus transfer. 21:00 Conference Dinner at hotel Histria (ECSS venue) and giving of the Dotzek Award. |
A splinter-meeting of the EUMETSAT Convection Working Group is foreseen on Thursday, 21 September, starting at 15:00. Participation by invitation.
On the day before the ECSS, Sunday, 17 September 2017, the ESSL General Assembly will be held at the conference venue at 17:00. ESSL Members received a formal invitation.
The day after the ECSS, Saturday 23 September 2017, an introduction to forecasting severe convection is offered.
Local Organizing Partner, Sponsor, Weather Forecast
The ECSS 2017 is organized in cooperation with the Meteorological and Hydrological Service of Croatia, DHMZ, and is sponsored by Munich RE.
Weather forecast for Pula: from DHMZ and from ECMWF