ESSL involved in EUMETNET ASIST project

At their meeting at ZAMG in Vienna on 13 January 2016 plans to involve ESSL in the Nowcasting and Very Short Range Forecasting EUMETNET programme ASIST (Application oriented analySIS and very short range forecast environmenT) were presented by the EUMETNET programme partners. The project is foreseen to run until December 2017.

Programme partners are encouraged to participate in the ESSL Testbed 2016 and in the ESSL Testbed 2017. An outcome shall be subjective Testbed validation of the different systems.

Verification and testing of ASIST systems as well as training with ASIST systems is foreseen. One of the ASIST goals is to develop Nowcasting training material.

ASIST-KO-group_photo_scaledPieter Groenemeijer and Alois M. Holzer from ESSL together with ASIST representatives at their meeting (at ZAMG in Vienna) on 13 January 2016. (Photo by Georg Pistotnik, ZAMG)

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