Heino Tooming Award to Gatzen et al

At the ECSS2017 the Heino Tooming Award (about) was presented to Gatzen, Christoph (Germany); Kreitz, Michaël (France); Leprince, Sébastien (France); Schielicke, Lisa (Germany); Rabrenović, Maja (Serbia); and Enno, Sven-Eric, for their work entitled “Combined analysis of severe convective wind gusts in European data sets”.

Tooming Awardees 2017

Nikolai Dotzek Award 2017 to Josh Wurman

At the 9th European Conference on Severe Storms in Pula, Croatia, Dr. Joshua Michael Aaron Ryder Wurman was awarded the fourth Nikolai Dotzek Award by the ESSL Executive Board. Dr. Wurman has been given the award for

  • his work on radar techniques including bistatic radar and mobile radars,
  • his groundbreaking work in developing the Doppler-on-Wheels radars that were first operated in the large field program VORTEX in the mid 1990’s,
  • the outstanding research he has done with the Doppler-on-Wheels and the work which supervised:

This research has revealed the structure of flow in tornadoes in extreme detail; it has also contributed to important new insight into the immediate environment of tornadoes, and into other weather phenomena that the DoWs have scanned around the world.
The scientific community owes a lot to Dr. Josh Wurman for creating an abundance of research opportunities with the Doppler-on-Wheels data, and for having inspired many future researchers around the world.

Nikolai Dotzek Awardee 2017: Dr. Joshua Wurman

Dr. Wurman is affiliated with the Center for Severe Weather Research in Boulder, Colorado, USA.

Read more: about the Nikolai Dotzek Award.

Remaining places for seminar “Forecasting Severe Convective Storms I”

For the seminar “Forecasting Severe Convective Storms I” held by Dr. Tomáš Púčik in our ESSL Research and Training Centre in Wiener Neustadt, Austria, from 2 to 6 October 2017, a few remaining places are still available.

The seminar consists of lectures during the morning hours and exercises in the afternoon hours – and thereby is an excellent boost of knowledge for lead forecasters and forecasters in the warnings branch of your weather service.

Airplane pilots are required to perform simulator trainings every year. What about our warning forecasters?

 You can register here.