Join Testbed 2016 online briefings and lectures!

Tuesday 7 June 2016 online briefings and expert lectures of this years’ Testbed start at 09:00 UTC with the severe weather forecasts for day 1 and day 2. Join us online via EUMETCAL. The login is free of cost. Just click on the respective event in the provided list and register with your email address.

Thursday 9 June 2016, after the severe weather briefing, Rich Thompson from NOAA will talk about “Anticipating Convective Mode” – a highly relevant topic.

ESSL involved in EUMETNET ASIST project

At their meeting at ZAMG in Vienna on 13 January 2016 plans to involve ESSL in the Nowcasting and Very Short Range Forecasting EUMETNET programme ASIST (Application oriented analySIS and very short range forecast environmenT) were presented by the EUMETNET programme partners. The project is foreseen to run until December 2017.

Programme partners are encouraged to participate in the ESSL Testbed 2016 and in the ESSL Testbed 2017. An outcome shall be subjective Testbed validation of the different systems.

Verification and testing of ASIST systems as well as training with ASIST systems is foreseen. One of the ASIST goals is to develop Nowcasting training material.

ASIST-KO-group_photo_scaledPieter Groenemeijer and Alois M. Holzer from ESSL together with ASIST representatives at their meeting (at ZAMG in Vienna) on 13 January 2016. (Photo by Georg Pistotnik, ZAMG)

ECSS Awards 2015

The list of ECSS awardees together with their contributions – for best poster, best oral presentation and best student contribution – is now available here.

The awards were presented during the closing ceremony of the ECSS on the 18th of September 2015:

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Nikolai Dotzek Award 2015

Dr. Harold E. Brooks receives the 3rd Nikolai Dotzek Award.

At the occasion of the 8th European Conference on Severe Storms that was held in Wiener Neustadt, Austria, Dr. Harold E. Brooks (National Severe Storms Laboratory, Norman, Oklahoma, USA) has been awarded the 3rd Nikolai Dotzek Award.

The Nikolai Dotzek Award was established in 2011 in the memory of ESSL’s first director and founding father, Dr. Nikolai Dotzek, who passed away in May 2010.

Dr. Brooks has been given the award for his innumerable and diverse contributions to the science of severe storms, which among many other accomplishments, include

  • his pioneering work in developing and applying proxy parameters to assess the climatology and risk of severe storms, both regionally and globally.
  • his contributions in establishing the connection between vertical wind shear in the lower troposphere and the occurrence of tornadoes.
  • his extensive work and significant progress on verification methods for forecasts of extreme events.

In addition, Dr. Brooks was commended for his support to the European and international communities of severe storm researchers that has resulted in many fruitful collaborations.


A list of all Nikolai Dotzek Awardees is available here.

Heino Tooming Award 2015

At the ECSS in Wiener Neustadt, Austria, the Heino Tooming Award 2015 was presented to 

Alexander Keul, Bernhard Brunner, Melanie Korff, Sanjay Sharma, Partha Roy, John Allen, Katie A. Bowden, Mat Said Aini, Abu Bakar Elistina, Mohd Zainal Abidin Ab Kadir, Chandima Gomes and Mateusz Taszarek

for their work entitled

“Severe weather and psychology – Analysis of international survey data”, presented by Dr. Alexander Keul. 


Photo: Thomas Schreiner, ESSL

The full list of Heino Tooming Awardees is available here.

ECSS over, next in Croatia

The ECSS in Wiener Neustadt by its participants offered an outstanding scientific programme. Scientists from all over the world, as far as from New Zealand, Japan, Korea, Argentina, Brazil and the USA exchanged knowledge with their European colleagues.

The next European Conference on Severe Storms will be held from 18 to 22 September 2017 in Pula, Croatia, in cooperation with the local organizing partner DHMZ.

ECSS: A message for participants

The Scientific Programme Committee sends a message to all ECSS participants (PDF files):

Message Text and Attachment


Minor changes were made to the shuttle bus schedule, and a bus stop location map was added. Please check on the ECSS webpage!


We are preparing an exciting video session. Our ESSL employee Thilo Kühne has to deal nearly on a daily basis with tornado reports and therefore probably has the best overview of tornado video footage from Europe. At this conference he will present a unique collection of video sequences of tornadoes in Europe of the past years. In addition: If you have photos or videos of severe weather worth seeing, please approach us already before the conference. We are pleased to include such material into a diverting participants-collage.


A programme overview was added to the ECSS webpage. There will be printouts of the programme in your conference bag, which you will receive on site, so you do not need to print it out by yourself. The full programme book was also updated on the webpage.


If you did not register for the conference so far (or for social events), please do so! Please remember, that registration is a separate process to – and not done with – the abstract submission! Having your registration data already in the conference system will heavily speed up the on-site registration! We also want to inform you, that there will be an option for calm on-site registration already on Sunday afternoon and evening, from 15:00 to 20:00 local time.

We are very looking forward to meeting you in person in Wiener Neustadt!