ESSL Testbed 2017 active

The ESSL Testbed 2017 welcomes all participants of this years’ edition.

We are proud to present an interesting selection of leading-edge forecasting and warning tools and we are thankful to all participating partners. New this year are for example a number of products from the EUMETSAT Nowcasting SAF.

You can follow our daily activities in the ESSL Testbed Blog or in our online sessions during the testbed period:

Tue – Thu at 9 UTC: Online severe weather briefings and daily expert lecture.
Fri at 9 UTC: Severe weather online briefing only.

At the online meeting times you can join us here in WebEX with the session number “953 698 353” and the password “testbed”. This service is kindly provided by EUMETCAL.

ECSS abstract submission extended

Upon request of many colleagues the deadline for the ECSS abstract submission was extended to 10 April 2017. This will be a final deadline.

Decisions on travel support grants and acceptance or rejection of conference contributions will be communicated by the ECSS scientific programme committee in the second half of May.

ECSS registration open

Abstract submission and registration tools for the ECSS are now open. We are very looking forward to many interesting contributions and to a European Conference on Severe Storms that is as vibrant as the previous editions in a scientific and also in a networking sense.

See you in the fabulous venue of the ECSS in Pula, Croatia, the countdown has begun. Please find updated information, abstract submission and the registration portal here.

EWOB app relaunch


Just before the end of this ESSL jubilee year 2016 the EWOB app was relaunched. The main improvements are:

  • better translations into 35 languages spoken in Europe (thanks to our voluntary translators!)
  • photos taken will now also be stored on your device and not only be sent to the EWOB database
  • bug fixing and increased stability

Download the European Weather OBserver (EWOB) app here and tell your colleages, friends and family how important your reports are for warning forecasters and researchers!

ECMWF new ESSL member

ECMWF and ESSL enter into a new stage of partnership: on 22 November 2016 the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts officially became a full institutional member of the European Severe Storms Laboratory.

After increasing informal cooperation over the past years this step will facilitate a close collaboration in a number of fields in the future, like in the exploitation of the European Severe Weather Database ESWD.

The ESSL now has 13 full institutional members, most of them national weather services.

ecmwf    essl_logo_large_newcolor

Exhibition opening on 100 years Wiener Neustadt tornado

On 29 June 2016 at 19:00 the grand opening of a photo exhibition on “100 years Wiener Neustadt tornado” takes place in the Stadtmuseum Wiener Neustadt. Alois M. Holzer from ESSL provided expertise to the Museum regarding the selection and interpretation of the damage photographs and will also contribute to the opening programme.

The photo exhibition will be open until 31 July 2016:
Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun 10:00 to 16:00
Thu 10:00 – 20:00