Please check the type and timing or your presentation as well as the correctness of the title and author names. If you note an error in the programme, or in case you have to withdraw an oral presentation or poster, please notify the organisers immediately via info (at), so the programme can be rearranged.
If you have not done so yet, please register and make your hotel reservation now, as availability of hotel rooms cannot be guaranteed after the end of the block reservations made for the ECSS. Please also pay your conference fees soon, in oder to benefit from the early-bird rates. Registration and payment of ECSS fees will also ensure that you receive updated information on the ECSS via eMail.
Future changes will not affect the distribution of sessions on the individual ECSS days.
Please use PowerPoint for the oral presentations. They should be compatible with Windows XP and Office 2003. Dear Mac users or fans of Vista with Office 2007 - please make sure prior to the ECSS conference that your presentation runs without problems on the XP/2003 combination. Presentations shall be uploaded well before your sessions. Please avoid using your own computer for your ECSS presentation.
The general time slot for oral presentations is 15 minutes. This means that your presentation should end after about 12 minutes to enable a short discussion. So in practice, your presentation shall not have more than 10-12 slides. Session chairs will be asked to strictly remind presenters to obey their presentation time limits.
Please try to avoid overly crowded slides and too small font sizes. A good rule of thumb says that if slides are printed each on A4 or letter-sized paper and then put on the floor in front of you, you should be able to read them without problems while standing, and not while crawling on the floor.
For the poster presentations, the standard format is A0 portrait (84 cm wide, 119 cm high). The poster stands are 1 m wide, rigid white panels, each with its own light(!). As pins or adhesive tape cannot be used on these boards, we will provide adequate material to attach the posters to these panels, so-called PowerStrips.
There will be no short introductory presentations for the posters. However, authors are expected to be in attendance during their respective poster sessions. Additional discussion in front of the posters during the coffee breaks is highly welcome!
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