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Alberoni, Pier Paolo
V.Levizzani, P.Mezzasalma, S.Costa and S.Nanni
Deep convection over Northern Italy: synoptic and mesoscale
posted 09/27/99 |
D. Giaoitti, A. Manzato, F. Stel, and S.
The June 4th 1999 Severe Weather Episode in San Quirino, Italy: a Tornado
posted 08/04/99 |

Bechtold, Peter
E. Bazile
Problems and achievements in modelling/forecasting of atmospheric
posted 09/22/99 |
A. Ezcurra Talegon, and J.Areitio Piedra
Relationships between surface hail observations and
lightning activity in the upper part of the Ebro Valley (Spain) during the 1998 year
posted 08/04/99 |
Long-term variability of thunderstorms and thunderstorm
precipitation occurrence in Cracow in the period 1896-1995
posted 08/04/99 |
Charles A. Doswell III
Some Aspects of the International Climatology of Tornadoes
by Damage Classification
posted 08/04/99 |
H. Hoeller, T. Fehr, and C. Thery
Investigation of the interrelation between lightning
evolution and internal thunderstorm dynamics for the 21 July 1998 E U L I N O X supercell
storm event
posted 08/04/99 |
posted 08/04/99 |
J.-P. Lafore, J.-L. Redelsperger, C. Cibot and F. Orain
Experiments of fine scale prediction of mesoscale convective
systems over France
posted 08/04/99 |

Elsom, Derek
Deaths and injuries caused by lightning in the United Kingdom, 1852-1998
09/22/99 |

Elsom, Derek
G. Terence Meaden, David J. Reynolds, Michael W. Rowe
Development of the European Tornado and Storm Research Organisation (TORRO)
posted 09/22/99 |

Estrela, Maria
D. Peñarrocha, F. Pastor, and M. Millán
Torrential rain events on the Spanish Mediterranean coast:
Relationship between spatial precipitation and synoptic conditions
posted 09/22/99 |

Fraile, R.
L. López, J.L. Marcos, J.L. Sánchez, and A. Castro
CAPE values and hailstorms in Northwestern Spain
posted 09/22/99 |
V. Homar, and C. Ramis
Tornadoes and waterspouts in the Balearic Islands:
phenomena and environment characterizations
posted 08/04/99 |

Gaya, M.
V. Homar, and C. Ramis
A synoptic and mesoscale study of a tornado outbreak in the
Balearic Islands
posted 08/04/99 |
Akos Horvath
Severe convective storms and associated phenomena in
posted 08/04/99 |

Giaiotti, D.
F. Stel, and S. Micheletti
A comparison between subjective and objective
thunderstorm forecasts
posted 08/04/99 |
Christopher R. Adams
The Tornado Problem: Forecast, Warning, and Response
posted 08/04/99 |
Reinsurance and severe thunderstorms
posted 08/04/99 |
Hans-Heinrich Schiesser
Lightning patterns and their relation to the
radar-derived hail kinetic energy
corrected 10/18/99 |

Holzer, Alois M.
Tornado climatology of Austria
posted 09/02/99 |
S. Sénési, and C. Morel
Quantitative aspects of European Mesoscale Convective
Systems electrical life-cycle
posted 08/04/99 |

Kotli, Helve
Tornadoes in Estonia and their synoptic background
posted 09/22/99 |
The Munich hailstorm from 12 July 1984 - a spectacular
convective event in Mid Europe
posted 08/04/99 |

Levizzani, V.
Deep convetion over Northern Italy: synoptic and mesoscale
posted 09/02/99 |

Munzar, Jan
Historical tornadoes on the territory of Czech Repbulic before 1990
posted 08/04/99 |
Ann S. Almgren, and John B. Bell
High Reynolds number simulations of axisymmetric
tornado-like vortices with adaptive mesh refinement
posted 08/04/99 |
Jan Kracmar
Using Data from the Czech weather radar network for detection of convective storms
posted 08/04/99 |

Pastor, Francesc
M. Estrela, D. Peñarrocha, M. Millán
Mesoscale numerical modelling of a torrential rain event on the Spanish
Mediterranean Coast: evaluation of the sea-surface-temperature data input on model
corrected 10/18/99 |

Paul, François
posted 09/22/99 |

Peñarrocha, D.
M. Estrela, F. Pastor, and M. Millán
Spatial and temporal distribution of torrntial rain events of the Spanish
east coast (Valencia Region) for the period 1971-1995
posted 09/22/99 |
posted 08/04/99 |

Peterson, Richard
Kishor C. Mehta
Occupant protection in tornadoes
posted 09/22/99 |

Reynolds, David J.
European tornado climatology, 1960-1989
posted 09/22/99 |

Reynolds, David J.
A revised U.K. tornado climatology, 1960-1989
posted 09/22/99 |
E. García, and J.L. Marcos
Application of a statistical model to the prediction of
posted 08/04/99 |
R. Fraile, and A. Vega
Techniques for the analysis of episodic hailstorms:
application to the storms on 7th May 1999 in the Ebro Valley
posted 08/04/99 |

Saunders, Clive
A laboratory study of charging processes in electrified clouds
posted 08/24/99 |

Sauvageot, Henri
Abe Delphin
Equilibrium raindrop size distributions in heavy rain
posted 09/22/99 |
Severe hailstorm activity on both sides of the Alps: a survey
using composite images of the Swiss radar network
posted 08/04/99 |

Schmid, W.
H.H. Schiesser
The Alps - a generator of tornadoes?
posted 09/22/99 |
Satellite observations of storm tops
posted 08/04/99 |
Robert Rabin, and Charles Doswell III
Tornadoes and severe storms of 90's in the Czech Republic
posted 08/04/99 |
C.Morel, L.Labatut, F.Autones, and S.Desbios
Monitoring rapidly developing thunderstorms using
Meteosat Second Generation
posted 08/04/99 |
Rangel Petrov and Kiril Slavov
Dynamics and synoptic conditions of development of some
severe hailstorms and tornadoes over Bulgaria
posted 08/04/99 |

Sioutas, Michalis
Hail patterns and variability at areal and temporal scales in Northern
posted 09/27/99 |

Snow, John T.
Challenges and opportunities in tornado research
posted 09/22/99 |

Soula, S.
S. Chauzy
Correlation between lightning activity and rainfall in severe thundersorms
posted 09/28/99 |

Stensrud, David J.
Mei Xu, Jian-Wen Bao, and Thomas T. Warner
Using short-range ensemble forecasts for severe weather events
posted 09/22/99 |

Stumpf, Greg
The National Severe Storms Laboratory Severe Weather detection
posted 09/03/99 |

Stumpf, Greg
Severe Storm Climatologies using Doppler Radar algorithms
posted 09/03/99 |

Terpstra, Eric
Super cells in the Netherlands
posted 09/22/99 |
posted 08/04/99 |
Giulia Panegrossi, Alberto Mugani, and Eric A. Smith
Numerical simulation of heavy precipitation events in
Northern Italy
posted 08/04/99 |
Tornadoes and meteorological research in Ireland: an
empirical and historical approach
posted 08/04/99 |
The synoptic setting of a thundery low and associated prefrontal
squall line in Western Europe
posted 08/04/99 |

Vinet, F.
Climatology of hail in France
posted 09/22/99 |

Walker, Andreas
Willi Schmid
A photographic dosumentation of European tornadic thunderstorms
posted 09/22/99 |

Webb, Jonathan
David J. Reynolds,and Derek M. Elsom
Severely damaging hailstorms in Great Britain: a climatological
posted 09/22/99 |

Wolfram, Andrea Flossmann, utta Thielen, and R. Farley
Modelling of severe precipation events on North-Eastern Italy
posted 09/22/99 |
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Updated 11/15/99 |