Conference on European Tornadoes and
Severe Storms
Toulouse, France, 1-4 February 2000
The Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées and Météo-France
will convene a Conference on European Tornadoes and Severe Storms from 1-4 February 2000,
at Toulouse, France. The Tornado and Storm Research Organization (TORRO), Oxford Brookes
University, United Kingdom, is a Conference co-sponsor. U.S. co-sponsors of the Conference
are the NOAA National Severe Storms Laboratory and the College of Geosciences of the
University of Oklahoma, both in Norman, Oklahoma, and the Wind Science and Engineering
Program at Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas.
Tornadoes and severe thunderstorms are not rare in several countries of
Europe, but their documentation in the scientific literature is very sparse.
Meteorological conditions leading to tornado occurrences in Europe are basically similar
to those observed in the U.S. However, they differ in detail, especially with regard to
mesoscale characteristics, so a better knowledge of European tornadoes and severe storms
could bring new insights into tornado and severe storm dynamics and forecasting. This
Conference could be a first step in establishing research co-ordination in this area.
Topics to be addressed at the Conference include:
 | The climatology modern and historic of all aspects of severe thunderstorms
in Europe; |
 | Severe wind phenomena produced by thunderstorms, including both damaging straight-line
winds and tornadoes; |
 | Hail, heavy precipitation, and electrical phenomena produced by thunderstorms and
related mesoscale systems; |
 | Synoptic and mesoscale processes associated with deep convection; |
 | Numerical modelling of severe storms and rotating cloud systems; |
 | Forecasting of severe thunderstorms and tornadoes. |
Titles and abstracts (in English) of 250 to 500 words, submitted
for presentation on any of the above topics, should be sent to one of the convenors by 1
August 1999. An abstract volume will be published and distributed at the Conference.
Presenters will be afforded the opportunity to have their work included in a special
volume of Atmospheric Research, which will serve as a permanent record of the
Conference. Subject to a classical peer review, accepted papers will be published free of
charge by Elsevier Science Publishers in this journal.
Individuals intending to participate at this Conference, whether
presenting a paper or not, should contact one of the convenors to receive registration
materials. Participation will have to be confirmed by 30 September 1999 with the
submission of an application form and the Conference registration fee of 800 FF (122
Euros) per person. The registration fee will cover costs associated with the abstract
volume, coffee and tea breaks, etc. Inquiries from organizations interested in
co-sponsoring the Conference are also invited. |