The 7th European Conference on Severe Storms is supported by:

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Oral presentation programme

Monday 3 June 2013


Opening Session

Session 1

Climate and Severe Storms

Chair: Harold Brooks


keynote talk

Convective storm hazards from a reinsurance perspective (259)
abstract presentation

Angelika Werner


Increased variability of tornado occurrence in the United States in recent years (42)
abstract presentation

Harold Brooks


Estimating severe thunderstorm risk in North America (44)
abstract presentation

Scott Stransky, Tomas Girnius and Eric Robinson


Coffee break


Changes in hailstone size distributions in relation with a rise in the freezing level (20)
abstract presentation

Jean Dessens, Claude Berthet and José Luis Sanchez


Changes of thunderstorm and hail potential in climate change (105)
abstract presentation

Susanna Mohr and Michael Kunz


Climate-driven increase in the variability and multi-year mean level of severe thunderstorm-related losses and thunderstorm forcing environments in the U.S. since 1970 (186)
abstract presentation

Julia Sander, Eberhard Faust, Jan Eichner and Markus Steuer


Modeling and quantification of severe hailstorm risk in Spain from re/insurance perspectives (2)
abstract extended abstract presentation

Jianming Yin, Bo Yu and Junwa Shimada


A new stochastic event catalogue for hail in Europe (139)
abstract presentation

Heinz Jürgen Punge, Kristopher Bedka, David B. Stephenson, Michael Kunz, Marc Puskeiler and Angelika Werner


Assessment of the European severe convective storm climatology using reanalysis data (183)

Georg Pistotnik, Pieter Groenemeijer and Thilo Kühne


Lunch break

Session 2

Severe Storm Damage and Impacts

Chair: Jenni Rauhala


keynote talk

Severe weather in North America (57)
abstract presentation

Peter Hoeppe


Obstacles and barriers in research work on historical tornadoes in Central Europe (248)
abstract presentation

Thilo Kühne, Georg Pistotnik, Emmanuel Wesolek, Pierre Mahieu and Artur Surowiecki


Hail Risk Areas in Austria, on the basis of reports 1971-2011 and Weather Radar Images 2002-2011 (50)
abstract extended abstract presentation

Otto Svabik, Vera Meyer, Lukas Tüchler and Gernot Zenkl


Integrated In Situ, DOW, and damage observations in tornadoes (3)
abstract presentation

Karen Kosiba and Josh Wurman


The effects of extreme weather on the European transport system: an analysis based on media reports (226)
abstract extended abstract presentation

Riitta Molarius, Pekka Leviäkangas, Jaana Keränen, Ilkka Juga and Andrea Vajda (presented by Jaana Keränen)


Coffee break
Opening of Technical Exhibition

Session 3


Chair: Climent Ramis


Linking meteorological conditions to flood and flash flood occurrence - why is it so difficult? (24)

Thea Turkington, J. Ettema and C. J. van Westen


A 10-year radar-based precipitation reanalysis for Germany – first steps and future directions (104)

Tanja Winterrath and Elmar Weigl


Statistics of extreme areal rainfall depths based on radar observations (160)
abstract presentation

Edouard Goudenhoofdt and Laurent Delobbe


Analysing spatial distribution of damaging floods and mass movements in Portugal from 1865 to 2010 (DISASTER database): geographical factors, weather types and human impacts. (225)
abstract extended abstract presentation

Eusébio Reis, José Luís Zêzere and Marcelo Fragoso


Flash floods evolution in Catalonia: from precipitation to societal aspects (233)
abstract presentation

Mª Carmen Llasat, Raül Marcos, Montse Llasat-Botija, Joan Gilabert, Marco Turco and Pere Quintana-Seguí


Flood and flash flood resulting from convective storms in the SWIO islands and their impacts on the local community: Case studies from Mauritius (257)

Kumar Ram Dhurmea and Prem Goolaup


End of Monday's Scientific Programme


Ice breaker at City Hall

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Session 4

Storm and Tornado Dynamics 1

Chair: Yvette Richardson


keynote talk

History of storm and tornado dynamics (263)

Robert Davies-Jones


A comparison of buoyancy and baroclinity within tornadic and non-tornadic VORTEX2 storms (111)
abstract presentation

Christopher Weiss, David Dowell, Paul Markowski and Yvette Richardson


New insights about tornadogenesis in supercells obtained from idealized three-dimensional numerical simulations involving a heat source and heat sink in a vertically sheared environment (22)
abstract presentation

Paul Markowski and Yvette Richardson


The role of 3D vortex-vortex interaction and superhelicity in tornado maintenance and development (54)

Marcus Büker and Gregory Tripoli


Understanding the effects of horizontal convective rolls on the organization of low-level vorticity in simulated supercell thunderstorms. (79)
abstract presentation

Christopher Nowotarski and Anders Jensen


Coffee break

Session 5

Forecasting I

Chair: Chris Nowotarski


Nowcasting system at Danish Meteorological Institute (165)
abstract presentation

Claus Petersen and Ulrik Korsholm


Nowcasting of severe weather at DWD using remote sensing and nowcast product data (48)
abstract presentation

Tim Böhme


Experimental forecasting of severe storms in Europe: a summary of the first ESSL Testbed (179)
abstract presentation

Pieter Groenemeijer, Alois Holzer, Georg Pistotnik and Kathrin Riemann-Campe


On the identification of synoptic-scale controls associated with the presence or absence of tornado outbreaks (109)
abstract presentation

Chad Shafer, Charles Doswell, Lance Leslie, Michael Richman, Andrew Mercer, Mason Rowell and Stacey Hitchcock


What is the uncertainty of weather warnings? Can we predict it? How can this uncertainty estimate be used? (253)
abstract presentation

Martin Goeber


Sounding-derived parameters and their ability to forecast individual severe weather threats for the region of central Europe (70)
abstract extended abstract presentation

Tomas Pucik, Miroslav Kolar and David Ryva


Lunch break


Poster Session 1

posters of sessions
1 · 2 · 3 · 4/6

Session 6

Storm and Tornado Dynamics 2

Chair: Paul Markowski


keynote talk

Recent developments in our understanding of tornadic storms (239)

Yvette Richardson


The role of ambient horizontal vorticity in near-ground rotation of supercells (246)
abstract presentation

Johannes Dahl, Matthew Parker and Louis Wicker


An investigation of the tornadic stage of the Goshen County, Wyoming, supercell of 5 June 2009 using EnKF assimilation of mobile radar data collected during VORTEX2 (242)
abstract presentation

James Marquis, Yvette Richardson, Paul Markowski, David Dowell, Joshua Wurman, Karen Kosiba and Paul Robinson


Photogrammetric analysis of Tsukuba tornado (227)
abstract presentation

Koji Sassa and Hiromori Miyagi


Tornadogenesis in a high-resolution simulation of the 8 May 2003 Oklahoma City tornadic supercell (167)
abstract presentation

Alexander Schenkman, Ming Xue and Ming Hu


End of Tuesday's Scientific Programme

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Session 7 (part 1)

Lightning and Microphysics

Chair: Jean Dessens


keynote talk

Lightning applications in weather and climate research (34)
abstract presentation

Colin Price


The impact of multiple rain classes on surface DSDs in idealized simulations of supercell storms (149)

Matthew Kumjian and Hugh Morrison


An overview of the electrical activity recorded during PEACH, the atmospheric electricity component of HYMEX (169)
abstract presentation

Eric Defer, Sylvain Coquillat, Jean-Pierre Pinty, Serge Soula, Jean-Michel Martin, Serge Prieur, Evelyne Richard, William Rison, Paul Krehbiel, Ronald Thomas, Daniel Rodeheffer, Veronique Ducrocq, Olivier Bousquet, Odile Roussot, Laurent Labatut, Thomas Farges, Christian Vergeiner, Wolfgang Schulz, Graeme Anderson, Stephane Pedeboy, Hans-Dieter Betz, Kostas Lagouvardos, Pascal Ortega, Gilles Molinie and Patrice Blanchet


The three-dimensional microphysical and dynamical structure of convective storms (106)
abstract presentation

Thorwald Stein, Robin Hogan, Emilie Carter, Carol Halliwell, Kirsty Hanley, Humphrey Lean, John Nicol and Robert Plant


Overshooting top: Physics and Dynamics (84)
abstract presentation

Pao Wang


Coffee break

Session 8

Remote sensing of storms: satellite and lightning


Geostationary Lightning Observations in Support of NWC and Severe Weather Monitoring (16)
abstract presentation

Jochen Grandell, Marcel Dobber and Rolf Stuhlmann


Analysis of lightning activity during thunderstorms with the overshooting tops (13)
abstract extended abstract presentation

Petra Mikus and Natasa Strelec Mahovic


High-resolution climatology of lightning in Central Europe (91)
abstract presentation

Kathrin Wapler


The 2.5-minute Meteosat 10 rapid scan experiment and storm-top observations (67)
abstract presentation

Martin Setvák and Johannes Müller


The Comparison of GLD360 and EUCLID Lightning Location Systems in Europe (36)
abstract extended abstract presentation

Heikki Pohjola and Antti Mäkelä


Lightning channels emerging from the top of thunderstorm clouds (189)
abstract presentation

Oscar van der Velde, Joan Montanyà, Serge Soula and Nicolau Pineda


Lunch break

Session 9

Remote sensing: satellite and radar

Chair: Martin Setvák


keynote talk

Collaborative adaptive weather radar network for major metropolitan regions: The Helsinki implementation (265)
abstract presentation

V. Chandrasekar


Tornadogenic versus non tornadogenic supercell discrimination using radar in Portugal (143)
abstract presentation

Paulo Pinto


Lagrangian diagnostics of convective cells using combined satellite, lightning and radar observations (93)
abstract presentation

Akos Horvath, Kathrin Wapler, Fabian Senf and Hartwig Deneke


A radar-based climatology of tropopause folds and deep convection (240)
abstract presentation

Bogdan Antonescu, Geraint Vaughan and David M. Schultz


Cold rings and cold U/V shapes as seen atop of deep convective clouds in infrared satellite imagery in years 2006-2012 over Slovenia (216)

Mateja Irsic Zibert


Dense weather radar network for observation of severe storm in Helsinki metropolitan area (158)
abstract presentation

Roberto Cremonini, Dmitri Moisseev, V. Chandrasekar, Pekka J Rossi, Susanna Lautaportti, Laura Rojas and Annakaisa von Lerber


Presentation on ECSS Special Issue of Atmospheric Research
Víctor Homar


End of Wednesday's Scientific Programme


Conference Dinner

Thursday 6 June 2013

Session 10

Advances in Numerical Modelling and Forecasting

Chair: Johannes Dahl


keynote talk

Toward Developing a Storm-scale Prediction System for Hazardous Weather: An Update (243)
abstract presentation

Louis Wicker and David Stensrud


Evolution of Modeled Convective Storms with and without Lightning Data Assimilation (107)
abstract presentation

Antti Pessi


Explicit simulations of mixed-phase electrified clouds of the HyMeX-SOP1 experiment with the mesoscale model MesoNH (231)
abstract presentation

Jean-Pierre Pinty, Michel Chong, Eric Defer, Christelle Barthe, Evelyne Richard, Paul Krehbiel, William Rison and Ronald Thomas


Numerical simulation of squall line by using detailed microphysics (15)
abstract extended abstract presentation

Istvan Geresdi, Gregory Thompson and Noemi Sarkadi


August 1st 2012 convective episode over eastern France and western Switzerland: observations, forecasts and model deficiencies (101)
abstract presentation

Lionel Peyraud


Coffee break

Session 11

Forecasting II

Chair: Pertti Nurmi


Analyzing targeting guidance for a DTS-MEDEX-2009 case study: misleading sensitivity products (136)
abstract presentation

Lorena Garcies and Víctor Homar


Validation of MPEF GII product against sounding and lightning data - implications on convection forecast (137)
abstract presentation

Ivan Smiljanic, Zrinko Bahoric and Natasa Strelec Mahovic


Comparison of two mesoscale LAM-EPS generation methods for the prediction of heavy rains over the Western Mediterranean: the HyMeX IOP8 event (133)
abstract presentation

Mar Vich, Octavio Jaume, Víctor Homar and Romualdo Romero


A study of the 21 March 2012 tornadic quasi linear convective system in Catalonia (147)
abstract presentation

Joan Bech, Joan Arús, Salvador Castán, Nicolau Pineda, Oscar van der Velde and Joan Montanyà


Forecaster Tornado Warning Decision Processes in PARISE 2012 (112)
abstract presentation

Pam Heinselman, Daphne Ladue, Darrel Kingfield and Robert Hoffman (presented by: Harold Brooks)


Experiences in using simulator for convection and nowcasting training (198)
abstract presentation

Vesa Nietosvaara and Kristina Petraityte


Lunch break


Poster Session 2

posters of sessions
5/11/14 · 7 · 8/9 · 10 · 12 · 13

Session 12

Societal Impacts and Public Weather Understanding

Chair: Michael Kunz


keynote talk

Severe Convective Storms in the European Societal Context (190)
abstract presentation

Charles Doswell III


Vaisala's new Airport Lightning Information System (ALIS): Using Vaisala's GLD360 to improve cloud-to-ground lightning warnings, present weather reporting, and low level windshear situational awareness at airports anywhere in the world (131)
abstract presentation

Nick Demetriades


Cold season thunderstorms in Finland and their effect on aviation safety (37)

Antti Mäkelä, Elena Saltikoff, Jukka Julkunen, Ilkka Juga, Erik Gregow and Sami Niemelä


Perception and use of severe weather warnings by emergency management professionals in Germany (29)

Thomas Kox


Lay severe weather competence - A pilot study on Brazil, India, and Germany (87)
abstract extended abstract presentation

Alexander G. Keul, Luci Hidalgo Nunes, Maria Luiza De Andrade Benini, Sanjay Sharma, Devajyoti Dutta and Melanie Korff


End of Thursday's Scientific Programme

Friday 7 June 2013

Session 13

Severe Storm Interactions with Large Scales

Chair: Evelyne Richard


Medicane risk in a changing climate (43)
abstract presentation

Maria Tous, Romualdo Romero, Climent Ramis and Kerry A. Emanuel


Satellite-based climatology of (sub-)tropical cyclones in Europe (166)
abstract presentation

Alois M. Holzer and Pieter Groenemeijer


Past and projected future changes of North Atlantic polar low frequency (159)
abstract presentation

Matthias Zahn


The influence of mesoscale mid-level vortices on deep convection and implications for tropical cyclogenesis (19)
abstract extended abstract presentation

Melville Nicholls

Session 14

Forecasting III

Chair: Bogdan Antonescu


keynote talk

The NWS Storm Prediction Center: An overview, and a look at new techniques (264)
abstract presentation

John Hart


Coffee break


Near Term Convective Precipitation Forecasting using Real-Time Lightning Data, Observations, and Radar (7)
abstract presentation

Daniel Lennartson


Improving forecasters skill by introducing convective initiation at DWD (49)
abstract presentation

Pierre Fritzsche


Thunderstorm forecasting by a fuzzy logic combination of model data (129)
abstract presentation

Martin Köhler and Arnold Tafferner


Significant hail producing storms in Finland: Storm morphology and environment (39)
abstract extended abstract

Jari Petteri Tuovinen and Jenni Rauhala


Severe weather forecasting demonstration project: a sub project for Eastern Africa (146)
abstract presentation

Vincent Sakwa


Object-based fuzzy logic fusion of multiple data sources for nowcasting of CI and storm lifecycles (62)
abstract presentation

Dennis Stich, Caroline Forster and Arnold Tafferner


Closing Session

Poster presentations

Session 1: Tuesday 14:30 - 16:45

Posters of Session 1

Climate and severe storms

Climatic change adaptation amidst other environmental hazards (8)

Skyler Jayden Dembe, Cissy Namujju and Emmanuel Mbabazi

Diurnal variation of thunderstorms and meteorological conditions observed during the longest thunderstorms in Northern and Central Europe (21)
abstract extended abstract

Katarzyna Grabowska and Joanna Popławska

Determination of the area’s most exposed to the hail damage in the continental part of Croatia (23)

Damir Pocakal and Zeljko Vecenaj

The application of selected methods for detection of tornadoes in Poland (case studies) (26)
abstract extended abstract

Joanna Poplawska and Katarzyna Grabowska

Long-term changes in frequency of thunderstorms in the Baltic countries, 1950-2004 (32)
abstract extended abstract

Sven-Erik Enno, Agrita Briede and Inga Stankunaite

Storm water and climatic change in peri – Urban cities in Sub – Saharan Africa (35)

Mutawe Eddy, Mutebi Emmanuel and Nambi Elisha

Anomalies in frequency / intensity correlations in hail climatology (41)
abstract poster

Claude Berthet and Jean Dessens

Hail storms over Switzerland: Spatial and temporal characteristics derived from radar-based hail products (47)

Luca Nisi, Olivia Martius, Alessandro Hering and Urs Germann

Climatic characteristics of thunderstorms in Latvia (59)

Zanita Avotniece, Māris Kļaviņš, Agrita Briede and Lita Lizuma

Wide-spread severe convective storm events in Bulgaria (1991-2010) (71)
abstract extended abstract poster

Liliya Bocheva, Ilian Gospodinov, Petio Simeonov and Tania Marinova

Radar-based hail climatology for the Czech territory (72)

Katerina Skripnikova and Daniela Rezacova

Sounding-derived parameters associated with tornado occurrence in Poland and universal tornadic index (81)

Mateusz Taszarek

Downscaling past severe storms in Finland (97)

Pauli Jokinen

Comparison of thermal images and NDVI of multispectral high resolution images, a contribution to the study of urban climate (116)
abstract extended abstract

Jefferson Polizel, Magda Lombardo and Demostenes Silva Filho

Mitigating the impact of environmental degradation on climatic change and global warming (125)

Rehema Namuddu, Ryan Evans Ntambi, Samuel John Ssemwanga and Cissy Irine Namujju

Modelling of the hail hazard in Germany (126)

Marc Puskeiler, Michael Kunz and Manuel Schmidberger

Radar-based hail statistics over Belgium (130)

Maryna Lukach and Laurent Delobbe

Trends of natural disasters and morbidities in Uganda (155)

Robertson Evans Mbidde, Rose Mary Nalubega and Ronald Lutwama

Tornado and waterspout climatological risk for Greece (184)

Michalis Sioutas

Hail occurrence in Poland (1966-2006) (192)

Zuzanna Bielec-Bakowska

The relationship between tropical storm and precipitation patterns of heavy rain in Kochi, Japan (207)
abstract extended abstract

Hitomi Makigusa and Koji Sassa

Comprehensive comparison of tornado and earthquake statistics (209)

Lisa Schielicke and Peter Nevir

Variability of strong convective storms in Ukraine (215)

Vira Balabukh, Stepan Yagodinets and Ludmila Malytska

Study of the 5th July 2012 severe hailstorm in Pla d'Urgell (NE Spain) (235)
abstract extended abstract

Carme Farnell, Montse Aran, Muntsa Busto, Jordi Mateo, Nicolau Pineda, Tomeu Rigo and Maite Torà

Composite mean and anomaly of synoptic conditions for waterspout days over South Aegean Sea (S. Greece) (236)
abstract extended abstract

Ioannis T. Matsangouras and Panagiotis T. Nastos

Using the European Severe Weather Database for climatological analyses (252)
abstract poster

Pieter Groenemeijer and Georg Pistotnik

Investigation of high shear, low CAPE severe convection in the Southeastern and Mid-Atlantic United States (260)

Jason M. Davis, Keith D. Sherburn and Matthew D. Parker

An analysis of convective parameters in the Northern Hemisphere from the ERA Interim re-analysis and CMIP5 projections (262)

Andrew Russell

Posters of Session 2

Storm damage and impacts

Convective activity over Ukraine (40)

Inna Semenova

Effects of hail damage mitigation on grapevines crop in Mendoza, Argentina, by atmospheric weather modification with cloud seeding (98)
abstract poster

Martín Alejandro Cavagnaro, Eduardo Martín, Diego Araneo, Leonardo Insegna and Jorge Carbonari

Severe storm reports of the 17th Century: Examples from the UK and France (100)
abstract extended abstract poster

Katrin Pfeifer and Niki Pfeifer

TRUSTED SPOTTER NETWORK AUSTRIA – New Developments and Applications at ESWD (171)
abstract extended abstract poster

Thomas Krennert, Barbara Chimani and Konrad Türk

Reanalysis of the fourth-deadliest tornado in European history (176)

Alois M. Holzer, Mathias Stampfl, Thomas Schreiner and Pieter Groenemeijer

A derecho in northeastern Europe on 8 August 2010(177)
abstract extended abstract

Anniina Törmä, Jenni Rauhala and Andris Viksna

Application of radar observation data to predict a landslide due to localized heavy rain (197)
abstract extended abstract

Seok-Hwan Hwang, Sanghun Lim, Dong-Ryul Lee, Dae Heon Ham and Kyotaek Hwang

Information system „The Dangerous Meteorological Phenomena» in Ukraine (217)

Vira Balabukh, Stepan Yagodinets, Elena Lavrinenko, Tamara Sotnik and Nataliya Talerko

Recent observations of meteotsunamis on the Finnish coast (223)

Hilkka Pellikka, Hilppa Gregow, Jenni Rauhala, Juha Aalto, Pauli Jokinen, Kimmo Kahma and Pentti Pirinen

Damage surveys at the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium (261)

Karim Hamid

Posters of Session 3


Extreme precipitation and related weather types over Croatia in the period 2001-2011 (38)

Dunja Plačko-Vršnak

Calculation characteristics of catastrophic floods on the mountain rivers of the Crimean peninsula (55)

Valeriya Ovcharuk, Elena Todorova and Ekaterina Myrza

Climate extremes and water balance in the city of Sao Paulo - SP, Brazil: Subsidy for public policies (113)
abstract extended abstract

Fernanda Zanon, Magda Adelaide Lombardo and Bruna Jesus

Mathematical model for calculation of the maximal flood runoff of the ungauged watersheds (115)

Ovcharuk Valeriya and Eugene Gopchenko

On the extreme summer precipitation in Ukraine over the last decades (144)
abstract extended abstract

Vladyslav Tymofeyev and Alexander Scheglov

Assessment of the skill of nowcasting to predict high-impact heavy precipitation events (145)

Joan Bech and Marc Berenguer

Intense precipitation patterns by means of Concentration Index – examples of two Brazilian sites (156)
abstract extended abstract

Lucí Hidalgo Nunes, Javier Martín-Vide and Guilherme Henrique Gabriel

Meteorological Causes of Flashflood in Pila village (Slovakia) on 07/06/2011 (170)
abstract extended abstract

Martin Benko, Norbert Polčák, Martina Sadloňová and Paulína Valová

The analysis of heavy precipitation events over small mountain catchments (181)

Daniela Rezacova, Petr Zacharov and Sarka Blazkova

Floods in Southeastern Brazil- Observations, Simulation, Projection and Uncertainties (185)

Iracema Cavalcanti, Sin Chou and Jorge Gomes

Flash Flood in Madeira Island in autumn 2012 (188)
abstract extended abstract poster

Flavio Tiago Couto, Rui Salgado and Maria João Costa

A severe convective episode triggered by accumulated precipitation in the coast of Parana State, Brazil (203)
abstract extended abstract

Jefferson De Lima Picanço and Lucí Hidalgo Nunes

A study of a flood episode in Basque Country (221)
abstract extended abstract

Joseba Egaña, Santiago Gaztelumendi, Miriam Ruiz, Roberto Hernandez, Ivan R. Gelpi and Kepa Otxoa De Alda

Analysing spatial distribution of damaging floods and mass movements in Portugal from 1865 to 2010 (DISASTER database): geographical factors, weather types and human impacts (225)
abstract extended abstract

Eusébio Reis, José Luís Zêzere and Marcelo Fragoso

Posters of Session 4 and 6

Storm and tornado dynamics

Synoptic and mesoscale analysis of waterspouts in the Adriatic (2001 – 2011 preliminary climatology) (14)
abstract extended abstract

Tanja Renko, Josipa Kuzmic and Natasa Strelec Mahovic

Severe thunderstorm observation and regional modeling pilot field experiment 2012 and data assimilation impacts (17)
abstract extended abstract

Mohan Kumar Das, Sujit Kumar Debsarma, Bishawjit Chowdhury, Md. Majajul Alam Sarker, Md. Mizanur Rahman, Nazlee Ferdousi and Uma Charan Mohanty

Mountain waves forcing deep convection at the East of the highest Andes tops (52)
abstract poster

Rodrigo Hierro, Horacio Pessano, Pablo Llamedo, Alejandro de La Torre, Andrés Odiard and Peter Alexander

A Subtropical Squall line in Southern China: Kinematic Structure Retrieved from Dual-Doppler Data (58)

Haiguang Zhou

Using self-organizing maps to classify supercell proximity soundings from the rapid update cycle (51)

Christopher Nowotarski, Paul Markowski, Yvette Richardson and George Bryan

The derecho of 8 August 2010 in Estonia (80)

Aarne Männik and Helve Meitern

Vapor volume reduction - an additional factor that contributes to the central low pressure in a cyclone (85)

Dhananjay Mardhekar

Derecho-like event in Bulgaria on 20 July 2011 (86)
abstract extended abstract poster

Ilian Gospodinov, Tsvetelina Dimitrova, Lilia Bocheva, Petio Simeonov and Rumen Dimitrov

Numerical simulation of supercell tornadogenesis: The 2012 Tsukuba F3 tornado event (117)

Wataru Mashiko

Hail storms genesis and evolution in the Andes Region (Mendoza, Argentina) derived from radar data (123)

Horacio Pessano, Rodrigo Hierro, Pablo Llamedo, Alejandro de La Torre, Andrés Odiard and Peter Alexander

Observational Investigation of a Tornadic HP Supercell Storm in China (142)

Xiaoding Yu

Structure and Formation Mechanisms of Two Adjacent Shear Lines Accompanied by Wind Gusts in the Japan Sea Coastal Region during a Cold-Air Outbreak (172)

Wataru Mashiko, Hanako Y. Inoue, Syugo Hayashi, Kenichi Kusunoki, Syunsuke Hoshino, Kenichiro Arai, Kenichi Shimose, Masako Kusume, Masahide Nishihashi, Hiroshi Yamauchi, Osamu Suzuki and Hiroyuki Morishima

LEWP along squall line(180)

Robertus Groenland

Analysis of simulated precipitation in a 2D non-hydrostatic model (220)

Maurizio Fantini

The angular propulsion engine – a missing link in tornadogenesis? (234)

Anthony Straatman and Jeliazko Polihronov

Thunderstorm interception with a mobile automated surface weather station in Brazil (241)

Diogo M. Custodio, Ernani L. Nascimento, Mauricio I. Oliveira and Otávio C. Acevedo

Comparison of Three Summer Bow Echoes in Serbia (245)
abstract poster

Maja Rabrenovic

Toy model simulations of baroclinic and barotropic processes in downdrafts (247)

Matthew Parker and Johannes Dahl

Session 2: Thursday 14:30 - 16:45

Posters of Sessions 5, 11, and 14


Integrating satellite-, radar, NWP-data and orographic information for severe convection nowcasting over the Alpine area (18)

Luca Nisi, Paolo Ambrosetti and Lorenzo Clementi

NowCastMIX – automatic integrated warnings from continuously monitored nowcasting systems based on a fuzzy-logic approach with optimized estimates of storm cell vectors (65)
abstract poster

Paul James, Sebastian Trepte, Bernhard K. Reichert and Dirk Heizenreder

SCENE: convective cell identification and nowcasting using multi-source data (69)

Anna Jurczyk, Jan Szturc and Katarzyna Ośródka

Re-analysis of a high-end severe weather event on 18 August 1986 (75)

Tomas Pucik, Petr Zacharov, Martin Setvak, Zbynek Sokol and Zbynek Cernoch

Simulation of the hail storms with the COSMO NWP model (76)

Zbynek Sokol, Vojtech Bliznak and Petr Zacharov

Statistical model of convection (78)
abstract extended abstract

Nazim Huseynov and Bahruz Malikov

Estimating the probability of convection events from statistical analysis of temperature and humidity vertical profiles, shear and helicity (82)
abstract poster

Diego Christian Araneo, Silvia Carmen Simonelli, Federico Augusto Norte, Jorge Ruben Santos and Carlos Bustos

Road Weather Nowcasting (99)
abstract poster

Tatiana Bazlova, Nikolay Bocharnikov, Mark Vinogradov, Alexander Solonin and Nadezhda Iakimainen

Radar-based Precipitation Nowcast at Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) (102)
abstract poster

Tanja Winterrath and Wolfgang Rosenow

The OASE project: Object-based Analysis and Seamless prediction (134)

Kathrin Wapler, Silke Troemel, Theresa Bick, Hartwig Deneke, Malte Diederich, Akos Horvath, Fabian Senf, Clemens Simmer and Juergen Simon

Detection of mesocyclone signatures in the 3D Doppler data of the DWD radar network (135)

Thomas Hengstebeck, Dirk Heizenreder, Paul Joe and Peter Lang

Severe storm in the western coast of Lithuania on 6 August 2012 (138)
abstract extended abstract

Ieva Vitkutė

The Fitzroy Stormglass - a europeanwide old instrument of weather forecasting (140)

Claus Schott

Verification of mobile weather alert forecasts over Lake Victoria in Uganda (141)
abstract extended abstract

Khalid Muwembe, Charlie Williams and Thorwald Stein

Development of a multilayer perceptron based artificial neural network model to asses the intensity of mesoscale convective systems from reanalyzed data set (168)

Sanjay Sharma and Devajyoti Dutta

Applying Mean-Shift – Clustering for 3D object detection in remote sensing data (175)

Jürgen-Lorenz Simon and Malte Diederich

The use of forecasted radar reflectivity with hail detection algorithm (182)

Katerina Skripnikova, Petr Zacharov and Zbynek Sokol

Verification of multi-categorical thunderstorm forecasts at the European Storm Forecast Experiment over the period 2009-2013 (191)
abstract poster

Oscar van der Velde, Pieter Groenemeijer, Helge Tuschy, Christoph Gatzen, Johannes Dahl, Oliver Schlenczek, Tomas Pucik, Marko Korosec, Georg Pistotnik and Thilo Kühne

Forecast of Severe Weather in Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Centre based on different kind of meteorological information (193)

Inna Sobchenyuk

Evaluation of Stability Indices for Thunderstorm Prediction in Mendoza Argentina (194)
abstract poster

Carlos Bustos, Hugo Videla, Jorge Santos, Diego Araneo and Silvia Simonelli

Linear and non-linear methods to evaluate the usefulness of meteorological station data for thunderstorm nowcasting (201)

Arturo Pucillo and Agostino Manzato

Short range forecasting and nowcasting of severe weather operational products developed in UHMI (206)

Oleksii Kryvobok

Quantitative expression of uncertainty in nowcasting heavy convective precipitation in Central Europe by extrapolation methods (210)

Jan Mejsnar, Zbyněk Sokol and Petr Pešice

Tornado and Severe Hail Environments of Turkey (211)

Abdullah Kahraman

Probabilistic rainfall warning system with an interactive user interface (214)

Jarmo Koistinen, Harri Hohti, Janne Kauhanen, Juha Kilpinen, Vesa Kurki, Tuomo Lauri, Antti Mäkelä, Pertti Nurmi, Pekka Rossi and Dmitri Moisseev

Can a physics-based algorithm correctly analyze severe convective wind gusts? (237)

Georg Pistotnik

Severe squall lines in Hungary. Is it viable to use a simple convective parameter check-list based on hydrostatic NWP in operational forecasting? (238)
abstract extended abstract

Mark Kohlmann, Kornél Kolláth, Kálmán Csirmaz and Tamás Mona

Severe wind gust thresholds for Meteoalarm derived from uniform return periods in ECA&D (258)

Andrew Stepek, Ine Wijnant, Gerard Van der Schrier, Else Van Den Besselaar, Albert Klein Tank and Rob Groenland

Posters of Session 7

Lightning and microphysics

Wintertime lightning in Finland in 2003-2007 (5)

Joanna Rinne

Relationship between lightning characteristics and radar estimated parameters during pre-severe and severe stages of hail producing thunderstorms developed over Bulgaria (63)
abstract extended abstract poster

Tsvetelina Dimitrova, Rumjana Mitzeva, Hans D. Betz, Yana Pisarova and Elisaveta Peneva

Regionalization of cloud-to-ground lightning in Iberia (73)

João A. Santos, Margarida Reis, Fernando De Pablo, Luís Rivas-Soriano and Solange Leite

Modeling of cloud-to-ground lightning activity in Portugal (74)

João Sousa, João A. Santos and Marcelo Fragoso

Analysis of lightning flash characteristics in Central Europe (92)

Kathrin Wapler and Christopher Frank

A modeling study to evaluate the silver iodide dispersion from ground generators seeding flares (94)

Enrique Puliafito, David Allende, Pablo Cremades and Celeste Mulena

Characteristics of lightning behavior in hailstorms and hail properties in storms with overshooting tops (95)

Natasa Strelec Mahovic, Petra Mikus and Damir Pocakal

Detecting and forecasting severe storms using lightning data (127)

Mark Vella

Electrical and microphysical characteristics of a winter storm over Colorado (150)

Matthew Kumjian and Wiebke Deierling

Operational programme for the exchange of lightning location data: feasible or not? (161)
abstract extended abstract

Antti Mäkelä, Jussi Haapalainen, Dieter Poelman, Francoise Honore, Daniele Biron, Ladislav Meri, Jerzy Konarski, Bojan Lipovscak, Asko Huuskonen and Balint Varga

Characteristics of Drop Size Distribution observed by dense disdrometer network and Ku band radar in Tokyo metroporitan area during TOMACS (195)

Sadao Saito, Cyusei Fujiwara, Kenichi Kusunoki and Eiichi Sato

Four Year Lightning Climatology in the Basque Country (222)
abstract extended abstract

Javier Lopez, Santiago Gaztelumendi, Joseba Egaña, Mercedes Maruri, Roberto Hernandez and Ivan R Gelpi

Analysing spatial distribution of cloud-to-ground lightning in Portugal: patterns identification and relationship with geographical factors (224)
abstract extended abstract

Eusébio Reis, António Lopes and Marcelo Fragoso

Analysis of spatial and temporal variations of cloud-to-ground lightning in Romania (228)

Daniel Carbunaru and Sorin Burcea

Posters of Sessions 8 and 9

Remote sensing of storms

Meteosat Convective Initiation Product and environmental parameters - in case of severe and non-severe thunderstorms (61)
abstract extended abstract

Mária Putsay, Zsófia Kocsis, Marianne Koenig, André Simon, Ildikó Szenyán and Márta Diószeghy

First experiments with the „Rapid Development Thunderstorm“ algorithm (89)

Vojtech Bliznak and Zbynek Sokol

Properties of embedded warm areas and surrounding cold rings and cold-Us (96)

Michaela Radová, Jindřich Šťástka and Martin Setvák

C-band dual-polarization weather radar hail signatures observed in South Finland (128)
abstract extended abstract

Ljubov Nevvonen, Dmitri Moisseev, Venkatachalam Chandrasekar and Heikki Pohjola

Estimation of Stability Indices from ATOVS/NOAA and ATOVS/METOP measurements over Ukraine (151)

Oleksandr Bobryshev and Oleksii Kryvobok

Characteristics and properties of overshooting tops (132)

Michaela Valachova and Martin Setvak

Synthetic NWC-SAF products for regional NWP forecasts of summer convection over Central Europe (153)

Fabian Senf, Hartwig Deneke and Kathrin Wapler

Validation of satellite-based CI detection of convective storms via backward trajectories (164)

Felix Dietzsch, Fabian Senf and Hartwig Deneke

Automatic CB detection for METAR messages in Finnish Meteorological Institute (200)
abstract extended abstract

Harri Hohti, Otto Hyvärinen and Pirkko Pylkkö

Continuous measuring of vertical profiles of temperature and water vapor applied to obtain stability indices (204)

Jose Luis Sanchez, Estibaliz Gascón, Sergio Fernandez, Laura Lopez, Pablo Melcón, Eduardo García-Ortega, Andres Merino and Jose Luis Marcos

Radar derived storm properties over central Greece (219)
abstract extended abstract

Santiago Gaztelumendi, Joseba Egaña, Javier Lopez, Roberto Hernandez, Mercedes Maruri and Kepa Otxoa De Alda

Radar detection of local severe storms in Austria and their impact to aviation. (244)
abstract poster supplementary video

Rudolf Kaltenboeck

Detection of cloud convection from COMS (249)

Eunha Sohn, Minbum Choi and Sungrae Chung

Characteristics of Overshooting Tops derived from MeteosatSeviri data (251)

Monika Pajek

Posters of Session 10

Advances in numerical modelling and forecasting

Simulation of a Severe Thunderstorm Event over Bangladesh Using WRF-ARW Model, During SAARC STORM Pilot Field Experiment 2011 (6)

Md. Nazmul Ahasan and S. K Debsarma

Comparison of Simulations using WRF_ARW and WRF_NMM Model for Local Severe Storms over Bangladesh (10)

Md. Majajul Alam Sarker, Sujit Kumar Debsarma, Nazlee Ferdousi and Mohan Kumar Das

Impact of Data Assimilation on Simulation of Thunderstorm Events over Bangladesh using WRF 3DVARDA Technique (33)
abstract extended abstract

Nazlee Ferdousi, Sujit Kumar Debsarma and Md. Majajul Alam Sarker

Forecasting severe convection with a high-resolution local model ensemble (27)
abstract extended abstract poster

Marcus Beyer and Marcus Paulat

Case study: derecho event in Estonia 08 August 2010 - Modelling derecho dynamics with NWP model HARMONIE (28)
abstract extended abstract

Velle Toll, Aarne Männik and Andres Luhamaa

Towards a two-moment bulk microphysical parameterization of hail with explicit liquid water fraction (53)

Vivek Sant and Axel Seifert

Electrification of thunderstorms developed over Bulgaria - combined analysis of radar data and numerical simulations by MésoNH (64)

Rumjana Mitzeva, Boryana Tsenova and Tsvetelina Dimitrova

The major hail days of 1988-2010 in Southwestern France (103)

Claude Berthet, Jean Dessens and José Luis Sánchez

Analysis of the 4th October 2007 squall line predictability by means of an Ensemble Kalman Filter (77)

Victor Homar Santaner, Lorena Garcies Artigues, David Stensrud and Louis Wicker

High-resolution model evaluation of convective storm evolution using precipitation radar data (108)

Thorwald Stein, Robin Hogan, Emilie Carter, Carol Halliwell, Kirsty Hanley, Humphrey Lean, John Nicol and Robert Plant

COSMO-CZ-EPS – the first evaluation (148)
abstract extended abstract

Petr Zacharov, Daniela Rezacova and Zbyněk Sokol

CAPS Storm-scale ensemble forecasting for the NOAA HWT 2013 Spring Experiment (187)
abstract poster

Fanyou Kong

Heavy Rain Forecast Improvement with Radar Data Assimilation (196)

Seyda Tilev Tanriover and Abdullah Kahraman

Sensitivity of WRF data assimilation for heavy rainfall event over the territory of Armenia (212)
abstract extended abstract poster

Zarmandukht Petrosyan, Hamlet Melkomyan, Rita Abraamyan, Hrach Astsatryan, Vladimir Sahakyan, Yuri Shoukourian, Levon Vardanyan and Anna Shahnazaryan

New radar forward operator and first experiences of LETKF radar volume data assimilation within the convection-allowing NWP model COSMO-DE (229)

Ulrich Blahak, Yuefei Zeng, Dorit Epperlein, Hendrik Reich, Andreas Rhodin, Klaus Stephan and Christoph Schraff

Forecasting extreme weather events for Mendoza Argentina (230)
abstract poster

Jorge Santos, Federico Norte, Badrinath Nagarajan, Diego Araneo, Silvia Simonelli and Carlos Bustos

Posters of Session 12

Societal impacts and public weather understanding

Disaster risk reduction efforts and factors affecting flood disaster management: A case study of Katakwi district-Olupe and Ngariam Camps (11)

Maxi Mbidde Ssenyondo, William Kayemba and Betty Nabatanzi

Exploring the Constraints and Strategies for Climate Change Adaptation (12)

Simon Peter Ssebudde, Faridah Nakanwagi and Elisha Nambi

An assessment of weather warnings communication products (30)

Thorsten Ulbrich, Uwe Horst Ulbrich and Martin Goeber

Increasing frequency and intensity of thunderstorms and cyclones: Environmental and socio-economic impacts in India (46)
abstract extended abstract

Shadananan Nair

Impact assessment of thunderstorms in Portugal in the 2003-2011 period: overall characterization and analysis of a noteworthy case study in Lisbon area (83)

Marcelo Fragoso, Nuno Costa, Margarida Queirós, Pedro Morais and Ezequiel Correia

Can lightning really hit you? Risk, damage and preparedness surveys in India, Brazil, and Austria (88)
abstract extended abstract poster

Alexander G. Keul, Sanjay Sharma and Luci Hidalgo Nunes

Extreme events in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo (MRSP) - SP, Brazil: public subsidy policies (114)
abstract extended abstract

Magda Lombardo and Amanda Lombardo

The impact of future thunderstorm activity on the air traffic system (152)
abstract extended abstract

Otto Hyvärinen, Andrea Vajda and Stephan Kral

The effect of climate change adaptation on rural community livelihoods (154)

Robertson Evans Mbidde, Rose Mary Nalubega and Ronald Lutwama

Sustainable Natural Hazard Mitigation (163)

Ssebudde Simon Peter, Faridah Nakanwagi and Elisha Nambi

Estimating road accident responsiveness to bad weather and weather warnings (218)

Adriaan Perrels and Väinö Nurmi

Statistical Analysis of Extreme Rainfall Events and their Impact on the City of Bogota (250)

Eddy Herrera and Canal Clima

Lightning-related Fatalities and Injuries in Turkey (256)
abstract extended abstract

Seyda Tilev Tanriover and Abdullah Kahraman

Posters of Session 13

Severe storm interactions with large scales

Synoptic conditions of the occurrence of hail in central Europe (4)
abstract extended abstract

Katarzyna Suwala

Understanding the special features of cyclone Aila (2009) after landfall (31)

Radhika Kanase and P. S. Salvekar

Relationships between the cyclones of southern origin and thunderstorms in Estonia (90)
abstract extended abstract

Kaupo Mändla and Sven-Erik Enno

Synoptic-scale characteristics in European derecho events (162)

Christoph Gatzen

TA significant late-winter severe weather outbreak in subtropical South America in the synoptic and climatological contexts (213)

Ernani L. Nascimento

Environment of tornadogenesis in outer rainband of tropical cyclone (205)

Masahiko Ebara and Koji Sassa

Retrospective analysis of synoptic favourable conditions for deep convective events in the Mediterranean Sea (232)

Massimiliano Pasqui, Samantha Melani, Francesco Pasi, Bernardo Gozzini, Marco Gaetani, Edmondo Di Giuseppe and Vincenzo Levizzani

List of Authors

Aalto, Juha 223
Abraamyan, Rita 212
Acevedo, Otávio C. 241
Ahasan, Md. Nazmul 6
Alda, Kepa Otxoa De 219 221
Alexander, Peter 52 123
Allende, David 94
Ambrosetti, Paolo 18
Anderson, Graeme 169
Antonescu, Bogdan 240
Arai, Kenichiro 172
Aran, Montse 235
Araneo, Diego Christian 82 98 194 230
Artigues, Lorena Garcies 77
Arús, Joan 147
Astsatryan, Hrach 212
Avotniece, Zanita 59
Bahoric, Zrinko 137
Balabukh, Vira 215 217
Barthe, Christelle 231
Bazlova, Tatiana 99
Bech, Joan 145 147
Bedka, Kristopher 139
Benini, Maria Luiza De Andrade 87
Benko, Martin 170
Berenguer, Marc 145
Berthet, Claude 20 41
Besselaar, Else Van Den 258
Betz, Hans-Dieter 63 169
Beyer, Marcus 27
Bick, Theresa 134
Bielec-Bakowska, Zuzanna 192
Biron, Daniele 161
Blahak, Ulrich 229
Blanchet, Patrice 169
Blazkova, Sarka 181
Bliznak, Vojtech 76 89
Bobryshev, Oleksandr 151
Bocharnikov, Nikolay 99
Bocheva, Liliya 71 86
Bousquet, Olivier 169
Briede, Agrita 32 59
Brooks, Harold 42
Bryan, George 79
Burcea, Sorin 228
Busto, Muntsa 235
Bustos, Carlos 82 194 230
Böhme, Tim 48
Büker, Marcus 54
Carbonari, Jorge 98
Carbunaru, Daniel 228
Carter, Emilie 106 108
Castán, Salvador 147
Cavagnaro, Martín Alejandro 98
Cavalcanti, Iracema 185
Cernoch, Zbynek 75
Chandrasekar, V. 128 158 265
Chimani, Barbara 171
Choi, Minbum 249
Chong, Michel 231
Chou, Sin 185
Chowdhury, Bishawjit 17
Chung, Sungrae 249
Clementi, Lorenzo 18
Clima, Canal 250
Coquillat, Sylvain 169
Correia, Ezequiel 83
Costa, Maria João 188
Costa, Nuno 83
Couto, Flavio Tiago 188
Cremades, Pablo 94
Cremonini, Roberto 158 265
Csirmaz, Kálmán 238
Custodio, Diogo M. 241
Dahl, Johannes 191 246 247
Das, Mohan Kumar 10 17
Davies-Jones, Robert 263
Davis, Jason M. 260
Debsarma, Sujit Kumar 6 10 17 33
Defer, Eric 169 231
Deierling, Wiebke 150
Delobbe, Laurent 130 160
Dembe, Skyler Jayden 8
Demetriades, Nick 131
Deneke, Hartwig 93 134 153 164
Dessens, Jean 20 41
Dhurmea, Kumar Ram 257
Diederich, Malte 134 175
Dietzsch, Felix 164
Dimitrov, Rumen 86
Dimitrova, Tsvetelina 63 64 86
Diószeghy, Márta 61
Dobber, Marcel 16
Doswell, Charles 109 190
Dowell, David 111 242
Ducrocq, Veronique 169
Dutta, Devajyoti 87 168
Ebara, Masahiko 205
Eddy, Mutawe 35
Egaña, Joseba 219 221 222
Eichner, Jan 186
Elisha, Nambi 35
Emanuel, Kerry A. 43
Emmanuel, Mutebi 35
Enno, Sven-Erik 32 90
Epperlein, Dorit 229
Ettema, J. 24
Fantini, Maurizio 220
Farges, Thomas 169
Farnell, Carme 235
Faust, Eberhard 186
Ferdousi, Nazlee 10 17 33
Fernandez, Sergio 204
Filho, Demostenes Silva 116
Forster, Caroline 62
Fragoso, Marcelo 74 83 224 225
Frank, Christopher 92
Fritzsche, Pierre 49
Fujiwara, Chusei 195
Gabriel, Guilherme Henrique 156
Gaetani, Marco 232
Garcies, Lorena 77 136
García-Ortega, Eduardo 204
Gascón, Estibaliz 204
Gatzen, Christoph 162 191
Gaztelumendi, Santiago 219 221 222
Gelpi, Ivan R. 221 222
Geresdi, Istvan 15
Germann, Urs 47
Gilabert, Joan 233
Girnius, Tomas 44
Giuseppe, Edmondo Di 232
Goeber, Martin 30 253
Gomes, Jorge 185
Goolaup, Prem 257
Gopchenko, Eugene 115
Gospodinov, Ilian 71 86
Goudenhoofdt, Edouard 160
Gozzini, Bernardo 232
Grabowska, Katarzyna 21 26
Grandell, Jochen 16
Gregow, Erik 37
Gregow, Hilppa 223
Groenemeijer, Pieter 166 176 179 183 191 252
Groenland, Robertus 180 258
Haapalainen, Jussi 161
Halliwell, Carol 106 108
Ham, Dae Heon 197
Hamid, Karim 261
Hanley, Kirsty 106 108
Harri, Ari-Matti 265
Hart, John 264
Hayashi, Syugo 172
Heinselman, Pam 112
Heizenreder, Dirk 65 135
Hengstebeck, Thomas 135
Hering, Alessandro 47
Hernandez, Roberto 219 221 222
Herrera, Eddy 250
Hierro, Rodrigo 52 123
Hitchcock, Stacey 109
Hoeppe, Peter 57
Hoffman, Robert 112
Hogan, Robin 106 108
Hohti, Harri 200 214
Holzer, Alois M. 166 176 179
Homar, Víctor 133 136
Honore, Francoise 161
Horvath, Akos 93 134
Hoshino, Syunsuke 172
Hu, Ming 167
Huseynov, Nazim 78
Huuskonen, Asko 161
Hwang, Kyotaek 197
Hwang, Seok-Hwan 197
Hyvärinen, Otto 152 200
Iakimainen, Nadezhda 99
Inoue, Hanako Y. 172
Insegna, Leonardo 98
James, Paul 65
Jaume, Octavio 133
Jensen, Anders 51
Jesus, Bruna 113
Joe, Paul 135
Jokinen, Pauli 97 223
Juga, Ilkka 37 226
Julkunen, Jukka 37
Jurczyk, Anna 69
Kahma, Kimmo 223
Kahraman, Abdullah 196 211 256
Kaltenboeck, Rudolf 244
Kanase, Radhika 31
Kauhanen, Janne 214
Kayemba, William 11
Keränen, Jaana 226
Keul, Alexander G. 87 88
Kilpinen, Juha 214
Kingfield, Darrel 112
Kocsis, Zsófia 61
Koenig, Marianne 61
Kohlmann, Mark 238
Koistinen, Jarmo 214 265
Kolar, Miroslav 70
Kolláth, Kornél 238
Konarski, Jerzy 161
Kong, Fanyou 187
Korff, Melanie 87
Korosec, Marko 191
Korsholm, Ulrik 165
Kosiba, Karen 3 242
Kox, Thomas 29
Kral, Stephan 152
Krehbiel, Paul 169 231
Krennert, Thomas 171
Kryvobok, Oleksii 151 206
Kulmala, Markku 265
Kumjian, Matthew 149 150
Kunz, Michael 105 126 139
Kurki, Vesa 214
Kusume, Masako 172
Kusunoki, Kenichi 172 195
Kuzmic, Josipa 14
Köhler, Martin 129
Kühne, Thilo 183 191 248
Kļaviņš, Māris 59
Labatut, Laurent 169
Lac, Christine 103
Ladue, Daphne 112
Lagouvardos, Kostas 169
Lang, Peter 135
Lauri, Tuomo 214
Lautaportti, Susanna 158
Lavrinenko, Elena 217
Lean, Humphrey 106 108
Lee, Dong-Ryul 197
Leite, Solange 73
Lennartson, Daniel 7
Lerber, Annakaisa von 158
Leslie, Lance 109
Levizzani, Vincenzo 232
Leviäkangas, Pekka 226
Lim, Sanghun 197
Lipovscak, Bojan 161
Lizuma, Lita 59
Llamedo, Pablo 52 123
Llasat, Mª Carmen 233
Llasat-Botija, Montse 233
Lombardo, Amanda 114
Lombardo, Magda 113 114 116
Lopes, António 224
Lopez, Javier 219 222
Lopez, Laura 204
Luhamaa, Andres 28
Lukach, Maryna 130
Lutwama, Ronald 154 155
Mahieu, Pierre 248
Mahovic, Natasa Strelec 13 14 95 137
Makigusa, Hitomi 207
Malikov, Bahruz 78
Malytska, Ludmila 215
Manzato, Agostino 201
Marcos, Jose Luis 204
Marcos, Raül 233
Mardhekar, Dhananjay 85
Marinova, Tania 71
Markowski, Paul 22 79 111 242
Marquis, James 242
Martin, Jean-Michel 169
Martius, Olivia 47
Martín, Eduardo 98
Martín-Vide, Javier 156
Maruri, Mercedes 219 222
Mashiko, Wataru 117 172
Mateo, Jordi 235
Matsangouras, Ioannis T. 236
Mbabazi, Emmanuel 8
Mbidde, Robertson Evans 154 155
Meitern, Helve 80
Mejsnar, Jan 210
Melani, Samantha 232
Melcón, Pablo 204
Melkomyan, Hamlet 212
Mercer, Andrew 109
Meri, Ladislav 161
Merino, Andres 204
Meyer, Vera 50
Mikus, Petra 13 95
Mitzeva, Rumjana 63 64
Miyagi, Hiromori 227
Mohanty, Uma Charan 17
Mohr, Susanna 105
Moisseev, Dmitri 128 158 214 265
Molarius, Riitta 226
Molinie, Gilles 169
Mona, Tamás 238
Montanyà, Joan 147 189
Morais, Pedro 83
Morishima, Hiroyuki 172
Morrison, Hugh 149
Mulena, Celeste 94
Muwembe, Khalid 141
Myrza, Ekaterina 55
Mäkelä, Antti 36 37 161 214
Mändla, Kaupo 90
Männik, Aarne 28 80
Müller, Johannes 67
Nabatanzi, Betty 11
Nagarajan, Badrinath 230
Nair, Shadananan 46
Nakanwagi, Faridah 12 163
Nalubega, Rose Mary 154 155
Nambi, Elisha 12 163
Namuddu, Rehema 125
Namujju, Cissy Irine 8 125
Nascimento, Ernani L. 213 241
Nastos, Panagiotis T. 236
Nevir, Peter 209
Nevvonen, Ljubov 128
Nicholls, Melville 19
Nicol, John 106 108
Niemelä, Sami 37
Nietosvaara, Vesa 198
Nishihashi, Masahide 172
Nisi, Luca 18 47
Norte, Federico Augusto 82 230
Nowotarski, Christopher 51 79
Ntambi, Ryan Evans 125
Nunes, Luci Hidalgo 87 88 156 203
Nurmi, Pertti 214
Nurmi, Väinö 218
Odiard, Andrés 52 123
Oliveira, Mauricio I. 241
Ortega, Pascal 169
Ovcharuk, Valeriya 55
Ośródka, Katarzyna 69
Pablo, Fernando De 73
Pajek, Monika 251
Parker, Matthew D. 246 247 260
Pasi, Francesco 232
Pasqui, Massimiliano 232
Paulat, Marcus 27
Pedeboy, Stephane 169
Pellikka, Hilkka 223
Peneva, Elisaveta 63
Perrels, Adriaan 218
Pessano, Horacio 52 123
Pessi, Antti 107
Peter, Ssebudde Simon 163
Petersen, Claus 165
Petraityte, Kristina 198
Petrosyan, Zarmandukht 212
Peyraud, Lionel 101
Pešice, Petr 210
Pfeifer, Katrin 100
Pfeifer, Niki 100
Picanço, Jefferson De Lima 203
Pineda, Nicolau 147 189 235
Pinto, Paulo 143
Pinty, Jean-Pierre 169 231
Pirinen, Pentti 223
Pisarova, Yana 63
Pistotnik, Georg 179 183 191 237 248 252
Plant, Robert 106 108
Plačko-Vršnak, Dunja 38
Pocakal, Damir 23 95
Poelman, Dieter 161
Pohjola, Heikki 36 128 265
Polihronov, Jeliazko 234
Polizel, Jefferson 116
Polčák, Norbert 170
Popławska, Joanna 21 26
Price, Colin 34
Prieur, Serge 169
Pucik, Tomas 70 75 191
Pucillo, Arturo 201
Puliafito, Enrique 94
Punge, Heinz Jürgen 139
Puskeiler, Marc 126 139
Putsay, Mária 61
Pylkkö, Pirkko 200
Queirós, Margarida 83
Quintana-Seguí, Pere 233
Rabrenovic, Maja 245
Radová, Michaela 96
Rahman, Md. Mizanur 17
Ramis, Climent 43
Rauhala, Jenni 39 177 223
Reich, Hendrik 229
Reichert, Bernhard K. 65
Reis, Eusébio 224 225
Reis, Margarida 73
Renko, Tanja 14
Rezacova, Daniela 72 148 181
Rhodin, Andreas 229
Ricard, Didier 103
Richard, Evelyne 169 231
Richardson, Yvette 22 79 111 239 242
Richman, Michael 109
Riemann-Campe, Kathrin 179
Rigo, Tomeu 235
Rinne, Joanna 5
Rison, William 169 231
Rivas-Soriano, Luís 73
Robinson, Eric 44
Robinson, Paul 242
Rodeheffer, Daniel 169
Rojas, Laura 158
Romero, Romualdo 43 133
Rosenow, Wolfgang 102
Rossi, Pekka J 158 214
Roussot, Odile 169
Rowell, Mason 109
Ruiz, Miriam 221
Russell, Andrew 262
Ryva, David 70
Sadloňová, Martina 170
Sahakyan, Vladimir 212
Saito, Sadao 195
Sakwa, Vincent 146
Salgado, Rui 188
Saltikoff, Elena 37
Salvekar, P. S. 31
Sanchez, José Luis 20 204
Sander, Julia 186
Sant, Vivek 53
Santaner, Victor Homar 77
Santos, Jorge Ruben 82 194 230
Santos, João A. 73 74
Sarkadi, Noemi 15
Sarker, Md. Majajul Alam 10 17 33
Sassa, Koji 205 207 227
Sato, Eiichi 195
Scheglov, Alexander 144
Schenkman, Alexander 167
Schielicke, Lisa 209
Schlenczek, Oliver 191
Schmidberger, Manuel 126
Schott, Claus 140
Schraff, Christoph 229
Schreiner, Thomas 176
Schrier, Gerard Van der 258
Schultz, David M. 240
Schulz, Wolfgang 169
Seifert, Axel 53
Semenova, Inna 40
Senf, Fabian 93 134 153 164
Setvák, Martin 67 75 96 132
Shafer, Chad 109
Shahnazaryan, Anna 212
Sharma, Sanjay 87 88 168
Sherburn, Keith D. 260
Shimada, Junwa 2
Shimose, Kenichi 172
Shoukourian, Yuri 212
Simeonov, Petio 71 86
Simmer, Clemens 134
Simon, André 61
Simon, Juergen 134
Simon, Jürgen-Lorenz 175
Simonelli, Silvia Carmen 82 194 230
Sioutas, Michalis 184
Skripnikova, Katerina 72 182
Smiljanic, Ivan 137
Sobchenyuk, Inna 193
Sohn, Eunha 249
Sokol, Zbynek 75 76 89 148 182 210
Solonin, Alexander 99
Sotnik, Tamara 217
Soula, Serge 169 189
Sousa, João 74
Ssebudde, Simon Peter 12
Ssemwanga, Samuel John 125
Ssenyondo, Maxi Mbidde 11
Stampfl, Mathias 176
Stankunaite, Inga 32
Šťástka, Jindřich 96
Stein, Thorwald 106 108 141
Stensrud, David 77 243
Stepek, Andrew 258
Stephan, Klaus 229
Stephenson, David B. 139
Steuer, Markus 186
Stich, Dennis 62
Straatman, Anthony 234
Stransky, Scott 44
Stuhlmann, Rolf 16
Surowiecki, Artur 248
Suwala, Katarzyna 4
Suzuki, Osamu 172
Svabik, Otto 50
Szenyán, Ildikó 61
Szturc, Jan 69
Tafferner, Arnold 62 129
Talerko, Nataliya 217
Tank, Albert Klein 258
Tanriover, Seyda Tilev 196 256
Taszarek, Mateusz 81
Thomas, Ronald 169 231
Thompson, Gregory 15
Todorova, Elena 55
Toll, Velle 28
Torre, Alejandro de La 52 123
Torà, Maite 235
Tous, Maria 43
Trepte, Sebastian 65
Tripoli, Gregory 54
Troemel, Silke 134
Tsenova, Boryana 64
Tuovinen, Jari Petteri 39
Turco, Marco 233
Turkington, Thea 24
Turtiainen, Heikki 265
Tuschy, Helge 191
Tymofeyev, Vladyslav 144
Törmä, Anniina 177
Tüchler, Lukas 50
Türk, Konrad 171
Ulbrich, Thorsten 30
Ulbrich, Uwe Horst 30
Vajda, Andrea 152 226
Valachova, Michaela 132
Valeriya, Ovcharuk 115
Valová, Paulína 170
Vardanyan, Levon 212
Varga, Balint 161
Vaughan, Geraint 240
Vecenaj, Zeljko 23
Velde, Oscar van der 147 189 191
Vella, Mark 127
Vergeiner, Christian 169
Verrelle, Antoine 103
Vich, Mar 133
Videla, Hugo 194
Viisanen, Yrjo 265
Viksna, Andris 177
Vinogradov, Mark 99
Vitkutė, Ieva 138
Wang, Pao 84
Wapler, Kathrin 91 92 93 134 153
Weigl, Elmar 104
Weiss, Christopher 111
Werner, Angelika 139 259
Wesolek, Emmanuel 248
Westen, C. J. van 24
Wicker, Louis 77 243 246
Wijnant, Ine 258
Williams, Charlie 141
Winterrath, Tanja 102 104
Wurman, Joshua 3 242
Xue, Ming 167
Yagodinets, Stepan 215 217
Yamauchi, Hiroshi 172
Yin, Jianming 2
Yu, Bo 2
Yu, Xiaoding 142
Zacharov, Petr 75 148 181 182
Zahn, Matthias 159
Zanon, Fernanda 113
Zeng, Yuefei 229
Zenkl, Gernot 50
Zhou, Haiguang 58
Zibert, Mateja Irsic 216
Zêzere, José Luís 225